Damn Love Potion

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~Remus POV~
We are all walking to potions class, I'm trying to get the other boys to walk faster because we're going to be late.

"Boys, hurry the hell up" I start to walk faster. The boys cave in and walk a bit faster. 

We get to potions class right on time.  I sit next to Sirius,  James and Peter behind us. 

"Today we are brewing Amortentia
Can anyone explain what that is?"

My hand shoots up.

"Ah,  yes Mr. Lupin"

"Amortentia is the strongest love potion known,  it is unique because it has a different smell to everyone.  It smells like things you love.  Like a person, food,  or something that comforts you" I explain

"Well done,  my boy!  5 points to gryffindor" I smile brightly

"You have one hour to brew you potions. If you get your potion right I will have you smell it at the end of class"

Sirius and I set to work,  in the only one he ever actually works with because I think he's scared of me.

After an hour,  our potion looks near perfect. Slughorn walks to our desk.

"Well done boys!  10 points to gryffindor!  You make both smell it if you'd like, I'll ask you what it smell like later. 

I lean in and inhale deeply.  I smell,  old books,  the woods,  chocolate,  and wet dog.  That probably sounds crazy.  The reason it smells of wet dog is because I have a crush on my animagus best friend,  Sirius Black.

~Sirius POV~
I lean down to the potion and inhale deeply.  Cinnamon,  the woods,  peppermint,  and a wild wolf.  If you're wondering why it smells like a wolf, and peppermint (Remus uses peppermint shampoo) it's because I am in love with my werewolf best friend,  Remus Lupin

~Remus POV~

Slughorn walks over to our table again and I can feel anxiety clawing at the back of my mind calm down lupin I tell myself.

" So Mr Lupin,  what do you smell?" He asks me

"Old books,  the woods,  chocolate,  and wet dog" I answer.  I hear James snort behind me and I look over at Sirius,  his cheeks are tinted pink and his mouth is agape.

~Sirius POV~

Slughorn looks critical,  "interesting,  very interesting" He turns to me

"What do you smell Mr Black?"

"Cinnamon,  the woods,  peppermint and wild wolf" I can feel my cheeks turning scarlet. I hear James trying to hold back laughter,  soft snorts coming from behind me. I look over at Remus his cheeks are beet red.  I lean over and whisper in his ear.

"Black lake,  meet me there eight o'clock"

"Of course" He answers

~at the lake~

~Still Sirius POV~

I get to the lake first,  my palms sweaty.  I start skipping a few stones to ease my anxiety. 

"You need to snap your wrist,  it'll go further" I soft voice says behind me.  I jump in fear and almost fall in the lake.  Remus runs to me and pulls me up. 

"Thanks moony"

"No problem,  cant have a freezing padfoot" I sit down and bring one knee to my chest,  putting my arms around my leg. Remus sits next to me with his knees halfway up to his chest.  I start playing with the ends of my hair.

"I'm not gonna hurt you,  no need to be nervous" Remus lays his arm around my shoulder.

"How the.."

"I know a lot more about the way you behave than one might think.  Like how when your concentrated on something you bite your bottom lip.  When youre sad your beautiful eyes get duller.  When your frustrated you tap your foot. When youre happy your eyes light up and your smile gets even brighter than before.  When you're pranking you have that mischievous smirk that brings me to my damn knees Sirius,  I've been in love with you for about two years now" Remus looks down and I put my hand on his cheek making him look me in the eye

"When you're explaining something you move your hands a lot.  When you're in pain you don't voice it but I can tell because your eyes get darker. When you don't want anyone to bother you you don't pull your curtains but you curl up in a ball on your bed.  When your thinking you put your head on your hand and break off from reality.  When you're happy your smile is so beautiful that princes cry.  Your eyes shine brighter than the sun. I know you don't like your scars,  I hear you cry at night.  But I think your scars are beautiful. Whenever I'm around you I get this feeling in my stomach and I just can't get it to go away.  You make me feel so...  Soft.  I just want to hold you and tell you everything is gonna be okay" Remus puts one hand on my hip and the other on my shoulder.  I he leans down and right before our lips brush he whispers

"Be my boyfriend" Our lips brushing when he says it. I close the painfully small gap between our lips and nod into the kiss. The kiss is to full of love and care.  We break apart and I push Remus backwards,  laying my head on his chest. 

"I love you Sirius"

"I love you too Re"

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