Lying Low

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So like, what if Remus told Dumbledore to fuck right off? 

~Remus' POV~

"I'm taking him home with me." My voice is steady, the sort of tone I haven't heard from my own mouth in years. Dumbledore raises an eyebrow, his blue eyes twinkling annoyingly. 

"Remus, we both know that it's best for Sirius-"

"You do /not/ know what is best for him." There's a growl present, now. "You weren't the one staying up with him until early hours of the morning when we were sixteen because of that fucking place. You aren't the one that's now watching him walk around listlessly because he's so /bored/ and every little thing makes him jump because he /hates/ it there!" 

"Think rationally, son, it's just better for him to be there. It may not be great mentally for him right now, but as long as he's not caught-"

"That's just the thing, sir. You don't give one half of a shit about his mental health. As long as you don't have to show up in court and tell the wizgamont that you were harboring a criminal. He's coming home with me, and I don't really care what you want because I love him, and he needs to be somewhere that doesn't make him feel trapped. you've practically thrown him into another prison." 

"I understand your sentiment towards Mr. Black, Remus, but who's to say that you'll be able to control his urges to leave?" The wolf that usually lays dormant in my brain is fucking /howling/ at this whole conversation. 

"He doesn't need to be controlled. He's a grown man capable of making rational decisions, and if he needs to go outside, my cottage has a fenced backyard. He doesn't need to be cooped up in that glorified cell." 

"I'm not going to say I approve of this, Remus, but I'm getting the feeling that you're going to do what you wish no matter what. I assume you'll be keeping your position here, then, to support the two of you?" Dumbledore is obviously a little pissed off because I won't listen to him, but Sirius' has always made me a bit irrational. 

"I predict that the first few weeks will be rough, but I've come to care for my students and I would like to keep my position." And that's the only reason, I want to say. I could get muggle jobs, as I have in the past, but I was separated from Harry for twelve years. I don't want to go any longer.

"Alright then."


"Hey," I greet gently as I step through the door of grimmauld place. I expect to see Sirius in the living room, but he's nowhere to be seen. Just as I'm starting to panic, I walk into the library and my heart explodes. 

Sirius is napping on a couch in the library, one of the books I left for him laying on his chest. He's wearing one of my sweaters, as he does a lot lately. He also sleeps mostly during the day, because he can't at night, and looking at this place in daylight makes him anxious. 

I walk over to the couch on light feet, kneeling slowly and reaching to take the book. When he first went on the run, Sirius needed near constant physical touch and I don't think we left bed for a week. Now that he's here, though, his anxiety from his childhood and from prison have mixed and created a whole knew anxious beast. He can barely handle me touching him, let alone relaxing enough to indulge in our urges. 

"Sirius," I place a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Sirius wakes up with a soft noise that makes my heart give a flutter. "Come on, you lump. Get up." 

"Mnph. Why?" Sirius covers his face, that flat edge to his voice that it takes on a lot recent. 

"You can go back to sleep, if you want to stay here, but I'm going back to my place and I want you with me." Sirius opens his eyes at this. They're duller than they used to be, just flat slate grey instead of light, happy stormclouds. Still beautiful, though. Still my beautiful lover. Even if his hair is longer and knotted and a bit unkempt, and he's a bit underweight and definitely a bit abrasive. He'll always be my love. 

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