Outed By Another

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The picture above absolutely kills me
This is when he's thinking
This is when he's writing
~Sirius POV~

"HEY!  COULD ANYONE GUESS THAT SIRIUS BLACK IS A FAGGOT?" some Ravenclaw girl,  Victoria Chang, shouts.  She knows this information because she tried to kiss me and I told her I wasn't interested,  then she just guessed that Im gay.  Which I am.

I freeze and  look down at my plate,  a scarlet blush creeping to my neck.  My friends look at me for a moment before going back to their lunch. I hear slurs and whispering coming from the other tables,  and choose to ignore it.

When I'm finished with my food I grab my bag and walk out of the great hall,  never uttering a word. 

I walk to the astronomy tower to think. Climbing up on the roof,  I feel the cool breeze hit me and I smile,  basking in the feeling. Temporarily forgetting the situation that I'm in. I climb up and sit down,  bringing one knee to my chest and putting my arms around it.

What if reg tells mother?  No,  he wouldn't.  What if Snape?  Or Malfoy?  Tells my mother.  Someway or another..  She'll find out within a weeks time. Merlin,  I'm so stupid.  I should've just let her kiss me.  No!  That's not who I am.  Sirius Black doesn't lie.  I believe in what I believe in.  But...  What if my friends don't accept me?  Or worse....  Moony.  The adorable werewolf that I have fallen in love with.  What if he hates me now?

A tear glides down my face at the thought of the werewolf.

I can't lose him..   I need him,  if he's my boyfriend or my best friend..  I just can't make it without him.

More tears slip from my eyes. I bring my other knee to my chest and lay my forehead against them,  letting out my tears.  Soft sobs wracking my body.

I wasn't ready yet...  I was going to come out eventually...  I just wasn't reasy for this yet.  I'll hear so many slurs and get tortured so much worse at home..  The Slytherin boys already heckle me enough...  This just gives them all the more reason to.  A Black in gryffindor...  And he's a fag. I can see it in the headlines now.  The whole school already knows,  my parents will be next.  What am I going to do? What's reg going to think? Where's my damn gryffindor courage?  I can't even find enough to face my friends right now....  Can't find enough to hear what they think of me now that they know my little secret.

I calm down a bit and grab a notebook out of my bag labeled 'Thoughts'

Well,  a stupid Raven outed me in front of the whole school.  I'm terrified of what the other marauders will think...  What if they don't want to hang out with me anymore?  They're the best thing that ever happened to me.  Especially Remus...  I'm so scared to find out what he thinks of me....  I'll love him either way. If he loves me or if he hates me.  Although I would prefer the first option. What if reg hates me! The only person on my side at home.  My parents will know within a weeks time.  I'm utterly fucked.

"Siri?" I hear my name being called and I quickly shut my journal, looking at the window.  The voice calls my name again and I identify it as my brother Regulus.

"Reg?" I call out.  He crawls through the window and crawls over to me,  slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"I love you,  you know" Regulus mumbles.  I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"Love you to,  not so little brother" I realize that my journal is still in my lap.  He snatches it up. 

"Regulus" I hiss. "Give it back reg"

"I don't think so.." He opens the book.

"Reg I only write in it when I'm at home or when I'm sad.  Come on!"  I sigh and cave in,  looking at which entrys he's reading.

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