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I don't usually adhere to the stereotype that Sirius is a womanizer, but I needed a reason to write about James and Remus' friendship because 🥺🥺

TW: Smoking, and lots of pining

~Remus' POV~

"Good game, mate!" Sirius throws his arm around my neck, ruffling my hair playfully with his knuckles. I laugh along with him, but my heart aches slightly. It's fine. I just need to get over it. 

"Ah, you did all the work, pads." I grin at Sirius. "The best beater Hogwarts has ever seen by far," 

"You're dAMN RIGHT HE IS!" James jumps on Sirius, saving me from an awkward staring contest. 

I'm quiet the rest of the way up to the common room, listening to James and Sirius rant about the game. Peter is upstairs getting the party started. 

"Look alive Moony, let's go get wasted!" James grins at me and I smile a little, amused by how excited he is for having a hangover in the morning. 


James and Peter have started a very heated game of beer pong. I'm settled on the couch, holding a bottle of fire whisky in my hand so tight it might break. Not because of the loud music, or because James hit me in the face with a ping pong ball. It's because Sirius is chatting up a Hufflepuff girl, touching her arm and smiling that stupid smile that makes my stomach churn. They're close enough that I can hear them. That stupid girl has a high pitched, annoying laugh that gives me a headache. 

"You looked so hot when you hit that bludger at Malfoy," She presses herself against Sirius, wrapping her hand around his arm. "Practically won the whole game."

"Ah, that's nothing. You should see me in practice." Sirius pushes the girl's hair behind her ear, leaning closer to say something in her ear. 

"Stop torturing yourself, moony." James sits beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder, taking a long drink. 

"I can't handle it for much longer, James. Every night he's with a different fucking girl and it's killing me." I mumble, letting James pull me to his side. He's the best cuddler out of the four of us by far. 

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel, Re? He might like you back." James says, and I find myself laughing. 

"James, he's straight. Look at him! He's chatting up that pretty girl like he was fucking born to. Even if he was gay, why would he go for someone like me when he could have any queer boy in Hogwarts?" I sigh, hugging my stomach. James ruffles up my hair. 

"Oh yeah, why would he want a cute boy with freckles and pretty eyes that would do anything for him?" James asks sarcastically. "You really are quite the catch, Moony. I think he would be lucky to have you. That girl is too ditzy for him anyway." 

"She laughs like a donkey." I mumble against James's shoulder. He laughs, ruffling my hair. 

"Yeah. She won't last long. But you know who Sirius will always come to when he needs a hug?" James squeezes my shoulders. "You. You two fit perfectly together, moons. It'll happen. He just needs to realize." 

"Well, in the meantime, I'm going to bed. Thanks Jamie." I get up and head upstairs, face planting on my bed. I cover my face with a pillow when I hear giggling in the bed next to mine. 

"Other people sleep in this dorm, Sirius!" I groan. Sirius curses. 

"Fuck, sorry Moony!" There's some frantic rustling, then the noise stops. The pain in my heart doesn't, though. 

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