Bad Days

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Remus was having a bad day, tomorrow was the full moon do he was really pissy.  Sirius did comfort him but he still was very depressed. Whenever the full moon was close his depression always got the best of him. He was sitting in his bed,  his head in his hands crying his 15 year old eyes out. He may had been made a werewolf a long time ago but he would never get you to the pain,  oh all of the pain. It hurt so much when he changed. All he wanted to do was make it stop.

~Sirius POV~
I was looking for Remus when I heard a sob come from our dorm room.  I walk in for see my boyfriend Remus Lupin in bed crying his eyes out.  I walk over and scoop him up into my arms.  I sit on the bed so he's in my lap.  "Oh oh oh baby boy,  calm down your safe. Talk to me moonshine" I whisper sweet nothings in his ear until he calms down enough go talk.  "Siri I'm sorry,  tomorrow's the full moon and my depression always kicks in around that time" "I know baby,  but you could've come to me I would've done the same thing I'm doing now,  no one deserves to cry in their own, not even snivulles" I said causing Remus to chuckle at me.  " I know you would pads but when I'm depressed I just make myself think I'm a monster and no one loves me and that I'm just not good enough-" Sirius cut him off "I you say your not good enough for me I will scream rem.  I love you.  So much. You  And only you.  Oh and your not a monster you are just a teenage boy with a man period." I say grinning.  "Fuck you siri" He said playfully whacking me upside the head.  " Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? " Remus turns beet red. "Your so cute when you blush babe" I say kissing his nose.  "Stoooop paddy,  your making me blllllushhh damn it" He says hiding his face and curling up in a ball.   "Hey don't hide from me I'm sorry, " I say lifting his chin.  "There you are" I whisper. "Damn you Sirius Black" He said kissing me softly. "How can you be a bad ass and so cute at the same time? " It's my turn to blush.  "I'm not cute. Lupin" "Oh yes you are,  Black.  That blush oh my gosh that melts my heart to pieces. When your cold and you snuggle up with me that could make a grown man cry with cuteness oh and this what your doing right now,  taking care of me that,  that is hella adorable babe, " Rem says to me, making me blush deeper and put my head on my knees. "Hey, if I'm not aloud to hide neither are you, " Remus whispers lifting my head up and kissing me.  "Ready to go downstairs moon?" I say.  "Sure padfoot, "

~Remus POV~
we walk downstairs holding hands talking about nothing and everything. James sees us and comes to talk to us. I sit down on a couch and Sirius sits in my lap sticking his head under my chin (I'm 6 inches taller than him) talking to prongs. Lily Evans james' girlfriend comes down and does the same as Sirius.  She pecks James cheek before talking to me. 
       After everyone goes to bed padfoot and I are the only other people in the common room.  We're snuggled up on a couch in a comfortable silence. He yawns.  "Tired pads?" I whisper.  My turn to take care of him. "Yeah let's go to bed moonshine I'm tired out of my mind" We go upstairs to our dorm and I help him get change into some sweatpants and one of my jumpers he stole a long time ago. I settled him in bed and got my pj's on.  I climbed in bed with him and he instantly curled into my chest breathing deeply. "I love you so much baby, " He whispers sleepily " And  I you love, "  He kisses my chest and I kiss the top of his head.  Soon I hear him snoring softly.  I then slowly drift off to sleep.  One more good night before my hell. Bad days always end well with Sirius Black as your boyfriend.

This one is a lot longer.  Hope you enjoy!  I know I'm posting a lot I'm just excited because its my first fan fic and I have nothing better to do!  Well don't know if ill post again tonight but maybe!

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