New Year, New Relationship

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~Sirius POV~
It's new years eve! The marauders are all on the couch,  talking about everything and nothing. Remus and I are on one couch,  Peter and James on another.

I've had a crush on Remus for about a year now.  Only the marauders know I'm gay so it's kinda weird for me. I haven't told him yet because I feel like if I tell him he's gonna hate me and it'll ruin our friendship.  I don't even think he's gay! I plan on telling him tonight though. Right before midnight.

"PADFOOT!" remus' voice brings me back to life. I snap out of my trance and look at him,  confused


"Where did you go mate?  I've been talking to you for 10 minutes!" I shrug

"Guess I just kinda,  zoned out"

"Anyway...  I was saying that I'm really excited for the fireworks tonight"

"I know you are,  you love fireworks"

"Time is it?"

"5: 00 I think"

"We're gonna be late for dinner!" We all get up and rush out of the portrait hole. 

~~~~~~~after dinner.~~~~~~~

"I'm gonna head to the library,  I need to grab a book" Remus tells us,  walking off.

We all head into the crazy common room,  headed to two of the couches.  I lay on one,  James and Peter in the other.

"Sirius,  when are you going to tell moony you love him" I jump off the couch and run over to James,  putting my hand over his mouth. 

"You run your mouth one. More. Damn. Time. And. I. Swear.  Also,  tonight right before the fireworks start"

"Romantic,  he'll love it" I go lay back down on the couch as Remus walks crawls through the portrait hole.  He sits on the couch so he's behind my legs.  We're really close so it really doesnt bother anyone. He lays down with his head on my ribcage and opens his book.  I run my fingers through his hair. James and Peter  smirk at me. I shoot them both looks that say 'fuck off'.  I just absentmindedly stroke Remus' hair and talk to James.

After a while Remus falls asleep and I take the book out of his hands,  placing it on the coffee table. I conjure a blanket over him and he snuggles closer to me.  I go back to running my fingers through his messy brown hair. I smile down at him.

I let him sleep for about a half an hour before checking my watch.  James and Peter had a detention to go to a while back so I've just been here,  watching Remus sleep and dozing off a bit myself.  It's 11:00. The fireworks are going to start in about an hour. I gently shake Remus,  knowing he hates being woke up. 

"Re?  Come on,  the fireworks are going to start soon" He opens one eye lazily and then closes it again.  I a sigh in amusement when he cuddles closer to me. I put one arm around him.

"Re, get up,  I know you're awake you git" He smirks and moves so his head is on my chest.

"Remus"  He drapes on arm over me so I cant move. 

"Okay,  that's just not fair.  I'm smaller than you! You're a giant!" I whine,  struggleing half-heartedly.  He tightens his grip and I give up. 

"10 more minutes,  then we can go" Remus mumbles

"And he speaks"

"Fuck off" He grumbles,  tightening his grip even more and shifting slightly.  I'm completely immobilized. I remove one of my arms from his tight grip and run it through his hair.  He sighs and if possible,  snuggles closer to me.

10 minutes pass and I gently shake Remus again.  "Come on Remus,  the fireworks start in 45 minutes,  you can lay on me outside I promise" Remus reluctantly let's me go and sits up,  rubbing sleep out if his eyes.

"I'm going to go grab a blanket.  Do not go back to sleep" Remus nods at me,  picking up his book again.

I run to our dorms and grab a blanket.  I walk back down the stairs and throw the blanket over Remus.

"Come oooonnnnnn moooonyyyy"
He throws the blanket back at me and puts his book down. He stands up and we head out of the portrait hole. 

When we get outside we sit under the marauder tree and Remus lays his head on my shoulder.  I look at my watch five to midnight,  here we go black. 

I put the blanket around both of us.



"I have something I need to tell you,  and I don't want it to change anything okay"

"Alright,  elaborate" Remus snuggles closer to me,  trying to comfort me like he can tell I'm scared.  I put one arm around his shoulders.

"I.. I..  You and I have always been very close and about a year ago I started developing a weird feeling that I didn't understand for you. James started noticing that I notice little things about you.  Like when you need a haircut,  or when you're frustrated or nervous you bite your lip. I eventually came to the realization that,  that feeling was love.  And still is love. It's okay if you don't feel the same.  I..  I just needed to get it out of my system"
Remus moves his head and looks at me.

"When you're nervous you ramble,  when you're frustrated you play with the ends of your hair,  when you're trying to concentrate you bite the end of the quill you're writing with,  when you're trying to hide your emotions your eyes get duller.  They don't sparkle like they usually do.  I know these things because...  I love you...  More than anything.  I would give anything for you.  And you don't know how long ive wanted to hear you say that" Remus puts one hand on my cheek and the other on my hip.  I put one hand on his shoulder and the other around his waist.  He leans down and I lean up.  Our lips connect in a sweet kiss,  right when the first bang of fireworks goes off.

"Happy new year moony"

"Happy new year Siri"

"Be my boyfriend?"

"Yeah,  I think I will" I peck him on the lips and lay down.  Remus lays down next to me and puts his head on my chest. As we watch bright,  vibrant colors fill the sky,  I run my hands through my boyfriends hair.

"I love you"

"I love you too re"

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