Wow... Emotions.

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Here, have some angst to stave off your hunger. Part four I believe 

Set the day after the last one

TW: Assassins, nightmares, weed, other drugs mentioned, alcohol, child abuse in all forms including mental physical and s*xual, homophobia, mentions of past illegal drug testing, depressive episode described in detail, use of the word wh*re, Tell me if I need to add more

~Remus' POV~

"Good morning Cinderella, did you lose prince charming?" I nearly roll my eyes at the terrible Disney insult. This is why I dont dance. 

I sit down at a breakfast table across from James and next to Sirius. Peter must be late again. 

"Do you want me to kick his ass? Because I will. I'm looking for someone to-" Just as Sirius is about to get up and lose his shit, I grab him by his hood and sit him back down. 

"It scares them more if I don't do anything. Give it a day or so, I'll make an example out of the one that annoys me the most." I reply. Sirius huffs indignantly, but at least he's not beating someone up. I grab an apple and get up. "Now, I have to go meet Alastor. Don't. Kill. Anyone." 

I go to leave, but Sirius grabs my hand. I glance back at him, expecting him to say something, but he just taps his cheek. I roll my eyes. 

"I have to go," I say, gently tugging my arm away. I start to walk away and I hear Sirius' say 'You Bastard!" Before he jumps on my back. I laugh and turn my head slightly to kiss him. 

"There. Now will you leave me alone?" I ask, and Sirius nods. 

"I love you~" He croons, and I catch a couple of idiot rookies fake gagging across the room. So, I set Sirius down and grab him by the waist, kissing him full on the mouth. The rookies' mouths drop open and Sirius giggles, sliding his arms around my neck. 

"I love you too," I chuckle against Sirius' lips before letting go. He smiles that bright, contagious Sirius Black smile that never Fails to make me smile too, no matter how faint. 

~A while later~

"Hey, Howell," Alastor says as I settle myself in the chair across from his desk. "Testing starts next week,"

Every assassin goes through yearly testing so they can be placed with partners, or to see if they could go on missions alone. It takes three weeks. Their are four tests, the hand combat and knife combat tests are in the same week. Then you have the obstacle course, and my least favorite- the drug course. I'm exempt from that one on account of I killed my first three instructors and nearly killed the the fourth in that test. 

"Ah, yes. Which one am I leading this year?" I ask. Senior assassins usually lead one of the tests, or a group of rookies every year. Last year I did the knife course. 

"Hand-to-hand course," Alastor answers, and I tilt my head. 

"Isn't that Sirius' course?" I ask. Sirius is way better than me with his hands. Alastor sighs. 

"I'm having you lead first week because I wanted you to have as much time as possible to prepare for your drug course." Alastor won't look me in the eyes when he says this, and for a moment I don't believe that he said it. 

"My.. What? Moody, I'm exempt from that. You remember what happened last time." My heart races at all the memories come flooding back. Well- actually all I remember is the room and the feeling of pure panic. Then, that makes way for the memories of my childhood to work their way into my brain. 

"Well, we had someone step up and volunteer to run your test." Alastor says, like I didn't immediately know that my dumbass of a boyfriend set this up. 

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