I Missed You!

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This is kind of like the dancing to the rhythm of your heart beat one but it's a bit different.

~Sirius POV~
My summer break was hell.  My parents when they weren't screaming at me they were screaming at each other. I barely slept.  Regulus slept with me on multiple occasions because they scared him.  All I wanted to do was see moony.  Write him.  Anything.  But my parents watch the mail I send and receive and they would actually kill me if they knew I was gay.  With a half blood at that.  But Remus is my everything and I missed him so much.

When I run through the barrier I look for my moony.  I cant find him so I figure hes on the train already so I sprint to the train and basically fly to our compartment.  I see my handsome, perfect  boyfriend sitting there reading a book.



he threw down his book and stood up arms wide.  I ran to him and hugged him with all of my might. He picks me up off of the ground and spins me around.

"I missed you so much baby!" I say

"I worried and missed you!  Are you okay?  Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay now that I'm with you Re"

"I love you so much" He whisperes in my ear

"I love you too" I say

"Padfoot you look like you haven't slept in a month.  Are you sure you're okay?"

I shake my head. He sits down and I lay across the seat,  my head in his lap.

"What happened sweetheart?"

"When my parents weren't screaming at me,  they were screaming at each other and even Regulus sometimes.  They used unforgiveables on me and Reg. He got so scared he slept with me most nights or should I say layed awake and cried into me"

"Oh baby, I promise you're safe with me.  I'll kill anyone who points their wand at you. You are my everything.  I'm so sorry I couldn't help you. I missed you so much.  I layed awake some nights just worrying if you were okay." Moony said,  petting behind my ear.

"I needed to hear that"

He just keeps petting behind my ear,  slowly calming my body into the first peaceful sleep in months.

~Remus POV~
He is so broken.  Sirius is so much worse then he has ever been after summer.  There are bags under his eyes and his hair is tangled and matted.  Sirius' hair is always taken care of. I gently card my slim fingers through my boyfriends curly Raven locks.

James soon walks in.  Peter close behind. 

"Hey boys!" James says.  Sirius shifts in his sleep.

"Shh,  prongs he's sleeping" I pet behind his ear again and he settles down.  I go back to just carding my hands through his hair.

"Sorry" James mumbles

"It's okay,  his summer was just worse that usual"

"Poor thing" Peter says,  looking down at the sleeping Sirius.

"He said his parents used unforgiveables on him and Regulus" I whisper.  Gazing down at my broken boyfriend.

"That's just fucking horrible!  He's 15 years old!"

"James!" I hiss as Sirius shifts and whines in his sleep again.  I go back to petting behind his ear.

"Sorry I'm just pissed"

"I know but you need to be quiet,  he said he hasn't been able to sleep because when his parents weren't screaming at him they would scream at each other.  He said he would have to comfort Regulus on most nights.  he needs to rest"

"Okay" Peter and James both nod.

Eventually Peter and James work their way up to the front of the compartment so they don't disturb Sirius and start planning pranks and playing exploding snap. I just gaze lovingly down at my scared,  broken boyfriend. He starts shifting and whining in his sleep and I pet behind his ear and whispering comforting words to him.  His eyes shoot open and I just keep petting behind his ear. 

"Shhh baby boy,  go back to sleep.  It was just a nightmare,  go back to sleep" He slowly drifts back into a semi peaceful sleep.  I keep petting behind his ear until his breathing evens out again.

When the snack cart come through I get Sirius a chocolate frog because I know that's his favorite.  He shifts in his sleep again at me moving. I just let behind his ear and card my other hand through his hair.

"I'm so in love with you.  It hurts me to see you like this" I whisper softly,  looking down at him lovingly,  yet sadly.

Someone bangs through our compartment and Sirius whines loudly and shifts in his sleep. 

"What the hell?" I hiss looking at our compartment door.

It's Regulus.

"I was making sure my brother is okay" He said timidly,  looking down.

"He's okay,  just really tired.  I can wake him up if you want me to"

"Would you?" He asks me

"Sirius,  baby wake up. Come on baby,  Regulus wants to talk to you" At regulus' name his eyes open and he sits up.

"What's wrong Reggie are you okay?" Sirius asks

"I'm alright Siri,  I just wanted to make sure you we're alright"

"I'm okay bubu" Sirius says as he gets up to hug Regulus.

"Take care of yourself okay?"

"I will." Regulus says hugging his older brother tightly.

"Oh and you," Regulus says pointing at me,  "take care of him and don't hurt him.  Bad things will happen to you."

"I'll take care of him.  I wouldn't dream of hurting him.  I love him too much"

After Regulus leaves Sirius comes back and lays his head in my lap.

"How far are we?" He asks me

"About an hour,  you can go back to sleep." I bend down and kiss his for head.  I gently stroke behind his ear until he goes back to sleep.

When we get to Hogwarts I gently wake Sirius up and we get off of the train.

After the feast we make our way to the gryffindor boys dorms.  I help Sirius change into one of my jumpers and some sweatpants. After I settle him down in my bed I change to and climb in bed behind him. He turns and snuggles into my chest.

"I love you moony"

"I love you too baby" I gently start stroking behind his ear again, his body starting to relax.

"Forever?" He whispers right before he falls asleep.

"Always,  sweetheart"

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