The Hunt

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~Remus POV~
I wake up to an empty bed beside me.  I future Sirius must be in the bathroom or something. When I look at the clock and I see the it's 9: 30, I get a bit worried. Sirius always wakes me up before now.  Checking over my nightstand more thoroughly,  I see a small envelope with 'Re' written across it. 

It's our anniversary pads,  what did you do?  I think to myself,  smiling like an idiot. I pick up the envelope and read over the notes contents.

As you probably know,  today is our anniversary and being the super extra person I am,  I decided to set up a scavenger hunt for you.  The end is where you will find me, and a surprise I have planned.  The first clue is.

"I love you so much,  but where's the first time we exchanged these meaningful words?"

I love you my prince,

I smile to myself.  Easy.  I get up and get dressed,  heading out to the common room,  where I find James.  He looks at me.

"Hey Moony,  where's Siri?"

"Damn if I know.  He set up a scavenger hunt for me,  it's our anniversary" I answer.  James smiles at me.

"Well,  by all means get on with it" I nod at him and head out the portrait hole.  Once I'm outside I walk to the marauder tree, overlooking the black lake.  There,  I find a similar envelope.  I pick it up and open it.

I knew that one would be east for you.  You're so smart,  that's one of the many things I love about you.  Now for the next clue:

"You're the best,  but where was our relationship's first test?"


I wince slightly at the memory. Shaking it off,  I walk back to the castle.  When I'm there I walk to the library and keep walking down the hall.  Once I'm to the place I'm looking for,  memories of Mary McDonald kissing me, the pain in my lover's eyes.  I look around and see a small window to an abandoned classroom.  There,  an envelope is laying. I pick it up and open it,  eager for the next clue.  Eager to get to my boyfriend.

I'll always love you,  no matter what life throws in our way.  You are my one and only Remus Lupin.  Don't you ever forget it my love.  Now for your third clue,  I'll give you a hint, three more to go!

"My family and I don't get along,  but I get along with one.  Who is it?"


This one is a bit harder.  I know the answer is Regulus,  but where for I go? The Slytherin dungeons you idiot!  I facepalm,  heading in the direction of the dungeons. I smile the whole way there,  it's like I can't stop smiling.  Like it's permanently on my face. 

Once I'm to the dungeons,  I walk swiftly to the slytherin portrait hole. I knock on the portrait hole.  A young boy,  probably 3rd year answers. 

"Who do you need?" He asks,  looking slightly intimidated. 

"Regulus black" I answer.  He retreats into the portrait.  A few moments later Regulus appears,  letter in hand.  He puts an arm around my shoulders. 

"Hey reg" I say.  He hands me the envelope.

"You know,  you really make him happy Rem.  Don't hurt him.  I have connections" Regulus murmurs.  I chuckle.

"He makes me happy,  too.  I wouldn't dream of it"

"Good job so far,  by the way.  Sirius told me where the clues are.  The next one is pretty hard,  but you're pretty bright,  so I'm not worried.  See you rem"

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