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Another one with a bit of wolfstar and mostly the marauders.

~Remus POV~
"I have an idea!" I say. We're all in the dorm, it's three in the morning and were all bored out of our minds. Sirius has his head in my lap, my fingers running through his hair. James is laying sprawled out across his bed, throwing his snitch and catching it. Peter is on his bed playing with a chess board thats charmed so he can play be himself. They all look at me.

"Well, it's probably better than being bored out of our minds" Sirius mumbles.

"We can write down our first impressions of eachother. 4 adjectives only" James sits up.

"For once you say something that isn't boring" I put a look of mock hurt in my face.

"Who comes up with 3/4 of our best pranks?"

"Fair enough" Sirius sits up and grabs four pieses of parchment, handing each of us one. He walks to his bed and sits down, I sprawl out on my stomach, my long legs bent against my headboard. I think for a moment before writing down james'

Prongs: loud, joker, prat, insane

I have to think a while for Peter

Wormtail: small, shy, nice, innocent

I smile thinking about my boyfriend. I think for a few moments, nibbling the end of my quill before writing.

Padfoot: terrifying, hidden, introverted, hawt damn

I smirk as I write the last one. James is the next one done. We trade papers. I read his and smile.

Padfoot: wicked, hilarious, best friend material, funny

Wormtail: quiet, shy, funny, cool

Moony: shy, corruptible, sarcastic, scared

I smile at what he said about me. One thing stands out though. I snort.

"Corruptible?" James sniggers

"Well, we did a good job" I shrug. Peter finishes next.

"Man pads you writing an essay?" James teases Sirius mumbles

"Mermerfermer" I snort and take Peter's parchment, giving him james'

Padfoot: scary, weird, funny, hopeful?

Prongs: scary, leader, cool, prankster

Moony: kind-hearted, scared, shy, bookish

I snort at the word 'bookish'.

"Why must everyone point out that I'm shy"

"Because you just are" James says. Peter shrugs. Sirius finally finishes. He hands me his paper and I give James Peter's, Peter gives Sirius james' and Peter is left with mine. I read sirius' and smile at his familiar handwriting.

Prongs: wicked, prat, funny, out- going

Wormtail: small, shy, pretty cool, innocent

Moony: Cute, Soft, Scared, Mine

I blush at the word 'cute' all the way until the word 'mine'. I look at Sirius, a soft blush still on my

"Okay, two of you had shy and all of you had scared? I have to admit I was scared though" Sirius walks over to me and curls into my side. I drape one arm over him and kiss his forehead.

"You haven't even read mine yet babe" Peter hands Sirius mine, I give Peter sirius' James now has mine again and I have his. As Sirius reads mine he smiles, a small blush dusting over his face. I kiss his forehead.

"I still think all of those things accept for terrifying. Now I know you're just a big teddy bear" I whisper in his ear, snaking my arms around his waist. He cuddles back into me and smiles lazily in reply.

"What did you mean my introverted and hidden?" He mumbles. I sigh

"I could see fear hidden behind your smile. You're face had confidence and laughs written on it, but your beautiful grey eyes told a whole different story" Sirius looks at me and I stare into his stormy great eyes, full of love and warmth. I move a piece of hair out of his face and tuck it behind his ear, leaving my hand on his cheek. He nuzzles my hand and I kiss him softly. We break apart to hind Peter and James staring at us.

"Jeez, boys get a room"

"We kissed Jamie, we weren't making out in front of you mate" Sirius sniggers. I squeak and bury my head in his hair. He chuckles and kisses my neck, sucking gently.

"You shit head" I whisper.

"You were basically asking for it baby" I kiss his head

"I'm tired pads"

"Me too" We move so my head is resting in the pillow and Sirius has his head buried in my chest. I kiss the top of his head softly.

"I love you honey" I whisper

"I love you too moonshine"



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