Quitttitch jerseys and jumpers

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~remus POV

I wear Sirius' clothes a lot. And he wears mine.

I wake up to Sirius curled into my side, I kiss his nose to wake him up.
"Wakey wakey sleepy head" I whisper, nuzzleing is neck. He whines in his sleep. "Wake up babe" I gently shake him. He's having a nightmare. "Come on padfoot wake up" I shake him a bit more and his eyes shoot open.
"You're okay love, calm down" I pet behind his ear to calm him down. He just buries his head in my chest and cries softly.

"You wanna talk about it baby?"

"I-I w-was trap-ped in that h-house and I-I could-dnt get ou-ut"

I just keep petting behind his ear.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'm right here, you're safe. I won't let anything hurt you baby, you're safe here, your okay"

He slowly calms down and just rests his head on my chest.

"Thanks Re"

"Anytime baby"

We stay snuggled up on my bed for a while and then we decided to get up.
I get up and put a black T-shirt on. After Sirius goes downstairs I go over to his side of the room and grab his Quittich hoodie. He gets them big on purpose because he knows I'll end up wearing it. It says



On the back of it. I throw it over my head and walk downstairs. I see Sirius and I go over to him. When I sit next to him he climbs in my lap.
"Damn I love when you wear my clothes" He whispers

"The feelings mutual babe" I reply kissing his neck gently.

"PDA PDA AAAAAA MY EYEESSSS" We here James yell, coming into the room

"Oh shut up jack ass" Sirius says
"You and lily are worse"

"And besides" I say "we're your favorite gay couple"

"Youre the only gay couple I know" James point out, sitting next to me on the couch. "And youre wearing his hoodie Rem"

"I'm aware dumbass, he's wearing my jumper"

"Well, before one of you kills me imma go find lily"

"That's a good idea" Sirius says from my lap.

After James leaves I put my head on sirius' shoulder.

"Do you know what I love most about you?" I ask


"You're so strong. You go through hell every damn time you go home and you are still protective. You still care. You would fight anyone that said anything bad about me or James, Peter,. You still love your baby brother even though your parents tell him to hate you. You go through that and you still find the courage to stand up to people. To love. To be you. I love you"

"I love you too Re" Sirius replied with tears in his eyes. "Do you know what I love most about you?"

"What?" I ask

"You are protective. You love me more than anything in the world. You turn into a monster every month and you still find time to deal with me. With my broken soul. You find time to help my through bad days. To comfort me after nightmares. To make me feel loved. You would kill anyone who ever tried to hurt me. I love you for that."

"I love you too"

I put my arms around sirius' waist and kiss his neck softly.

"You are my everything" I whisper in his ear. "As long as I'm around. No one will ever hurt you. You will always be safe with me"

"And I will always stand up for you. No matter how hard my life has been you are my future and I love you. I will comfort you whenever you need me anytime, anywhere" Sirius replied

I kiss the top of his head and lay down on the couch. He lays next to me and curls into my chest. I run my fingers through his long curly black hair.

"How did I ever manage to get a guy like you?" I whisper, kissing him softly.

"I think it's the other way around, my love" He puts his arms around my neck and I put mine around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

"Forever" I ask

"Always moonshine, always"

Fluff fluff FLUFF FLUFF oh fluffy fluffy fluffyness.

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