The Musician

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I've been itching to write some intimate and soft stuff lately, with all of the angst I've been putting out. So, here's a soft little os with musician Sirius

~Remus' POV~

I've always been a sucker for a guy with a guitar. Any instrument really, but mostly guitar. Since I was thirteen and saw Niall Horan playing his guitar, they've always made me fall head over heels. 

I guess that's why I ended up with Sirius black, the coolest boy in Hogwarts. He may skateboard through the halls and wear a leather jacket over his button up, but he's also sweet. Not that anyone else knows that. I guess I fell for the bad boy in him, as well, though. The late nights in the common room as he ranted about society and blood purity and how everyone is a prick while we pass a bottle of fire whisky back and forth.

Yeah, I like the bad boy. I like the heavy rock, the loud music he blasts in the quittich locker room. I fucking /love/ the smell of his leather jacket. 

But I also love this. 

"Babe." I'm rudely pulled from my pleasant half asleep half awake state by my boyfriend gently ruffling my hair. 

"Mm?" I reply, because words are too hard and I'm not going to do anything until that hand is out of my hair and around my waist. 

"You're supposed to be helping me write," Sirius chuckles, setting his guitar (sassy, who he says is named after me), on the bed so he can wrap me up in his arms. 

"I can't help it, you sound too pretty." I mumble, nestling into his chest with a content sigh. 

"You're the one that's supposed to be writing the words though, Love. No matter how cute it is when you fall asleep with that pretty little head on my shoulder." He kisses my forehead, and I swear I could die right now and have lived a happy life. 

"I am literally six inches taller than you." I counter, and Sirius gasps. 

"You don't have to mention it!" He pulls me into his chest and tickles me brutally, making a shriek work it's way out of my throat. 

"Y-AHH! You're rIAAAGHT, I dont!" And with that I flip us over, pinning my panting bad boy's hands to the bed. 

"It's so cute when you do that," Sirius smiles at me, and I can feel my resolve melting. "Look at you! You haven't the slightest clue of what you're doing." 

"Oh, I know exactly what I'm doing." I settle down on Sirius' chest, nuzzling my face into his neck. 

"Are you going to let go of me?" Sirius prods at my hands with his fingers. 

"Nm-mm." Is my reply. "You're going to tickle me." 

"I won't, baby. I promise." Sirius kisses the top of my head, and I have to admit I want cuddles. But I also want to listen to him play more. I also kind of want to have a tickle fight. And I think I might want lunch. I'm conflicted. 

"Fiiine.." I let go of Sirius' hands, just to have him immediately tickling me again. 


We spend a lot of days like this. To be honest, I think days like today are my favorite. Sirius and I can be alone, I can listen to him play love songs for me and I don't have to pretend I don't notice all of the dirty looks I get from all of the other boys and girls that want him. 

On days like today, we spend hours in the dorm. Sirius plays melodies and I write words. Or sometimes he'll play a song we know and I'll just lay my head on his shoulder and hum along. 

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