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Oh god this idea was just so cute I had to write it-


Omg I'm posting twice in two days, what has my life come to-

Set in sixth year

Otherwise known as 'Remus Lupin needs a hug.' 

~Remus' POV~

I walk into the common room after making my prefect rounds, saying my goodbyes to Lily before going to relax on the couch for a while. 

"Hey, Moons." My heart flutters as it always does when I hear that rough, low voice. I hadn't realized he was there. 

"Hey, Padfoot." I reply, sitting opposite Sirius on the couch. I look him up and down and realize something. He's shaking. His knee his bouncing restlessly, and he's holding a bottle- most likely full of fire whiskey- in his hand. My eyes drift to the coffee table in front of us and my heart breaks when I see and envelope there- the broken seal of the house of black in the middle. I sigh. 

"You really should stop reading them." I say gently after a long, tense silence. Sirius sighs and drags a hand through his hair, his cheeks flushing with the effort it takes for him not to cry. 

"I know, I just.. Sometimes they're about Reg and I have to make sure he's alright. It's not exactly easy not talking to him, even if it is for his own good. It's good to know that he's okay, even if it's just from our parents comparing how bad I am to how good he is." Sirius doesn't look at me as he speaks. He stares directly into the fire, his bright grey eyes tinting orange in the glow. 

"You're not bad," I say, my voice a near whisper. Sirius wiped his cheek with the back of his sleep, letting out a forced watery chuckle. 

"Thanks, Moony. I.. I know. At least I think I know, or I pretend I do. But I really don't." He buries his face in his hands, his hair falling around his face like a curtain. Everything in my brain tells me to push his hair back, hold him and tell him everything's okay. Tell him I love him, and it doesn't matter if he's good or bad. 

"Well, I know." I slide across the couch and wrap my arm around Sirius' shoulders. "You're good. Through and through." 

Sirius turns and hugs me, burying his face in my chest. I hope he can't hear my racing heart. 

"But what if I'm not?" Sirius is barely speaking and he sounds so sad, I can't help but pull him closer. The alcohol must be kicking in, because Sirius snuggles closer with no shame, his arms tight around my waist. He's a naturally touchy person, but for some reason he hasn't been cuddling with me as much lately- maybe Its normal and I'm just now noticing it. I notice a lot more things about him lately. 

"You are. I know you are, Pads. No one that wasn't good would do what you do for me- I don't even know why you do." I gently untangle Sirius' hair, my heart skipping a beat when he doesn't stop me. There are only a few people who can touch Sirius' hair. 

"We don't want you to be lonely, Moony- it's really very simple." Sirius mumbles, wiping his eyes with his hoodie sleeve. 

"Exactly. It's /simple/ for you. You don't have to think about whether or not you're going to get hurt when it comes to helping someone. You don't care, as long as that person feels better. Like when you broke your arm playing quitting last year, but you wouldn't go to the infirmary until you made sure that the Hufflepuff that went down with you was okay." Sirius is really crying now, he's trying not to but he is. I just push my fingers through his soft, beautiful curls and let him cry it out. 

We sit here for a while, Sirius tucked into my chest with my arms tight around him. After a while he starts to calm down, just cuddling into my chest. He looks up at me, and for a moment it feels like time stands still. My eyes flit unwillingly down to his lips and back up to his beautiful, teary grey eyes. 

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