DADA Class: Werewolves

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~Remus POV~
We have a new DADA teacher this year and he doesn't know I'm a werewolf. Today's lesson is about werewolves. I have a bad feeling about this.

~time skip to class~

"Okay class, today's lesson is about werewolves" I tense slightly.

"Werewolves are monsters that once a month turn into a blood thirsty beast, in my opinion werewolves should have no rights. I feel they should be locked up during full moons. They should not walk among normal people"

I clench my fist. My boyfriend, Sirius, intertwines his fingers in mine. James raises his hand.

"Yes Mr Potter"

"With all do respect sir we are in this class to learn. Not to hear your opinion. If you aren't going to teach us fact then we might as well not be here"

"Detention Mr Potter for disrespecting a professor."

Sirius raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr black"

"Professor with all do respect I am very uncomfortable with the things you are saying. Werewolves do not choose to be werewolves and frankly I don't give a shit about your opinion"

"Detention for disrespect and 10 points from gryffindor for language." The professor drones on

Sirius was seething and so was James. I felt like either crying or punching that idiot in the face. I just squeeze sirius' hand and he squeezes back.

"Werewolves enjoy blood and killing" The professor puts up a picture of fenrir greyback. "They enjoy seeing death and enjoy the taste of blood. If not condemned on the full moon they would kill anyone in their path, this is why they should be locked up. They should not be around children impregnated women or anyone for that matter"

That's when Sirius and James stand up at the same time. Sirius is the first to speak.

"Do you really think werewolves WANT To be werewolves! They were bit by another werewolf before they became werewolves. And on any day that isn't they full moon they are PERFECTLY NORMAL PEOPLE!" Sirius shouted the last part.

Then James speaks.

"I am greatly disgusted by you. You are awful if you think all of that about werewolves. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR THEM? they get put down enough by the other people in the world. You do NOT need to be filling you students brains with this shit. I am absolutely disgusted by you" James finishes.

I stand up from my seat and take sirius' hand. I can hear Peter standing up behind me.

"The people at the ministry of magic deprive werewolves of rights and they do lock them up if they get the chance to. You filling our minds with this shit is just driving us to do the wrong thing. Send us to Dumbledores office. Do it. I would be happy to leave this horrid atmosphere" I say

Peter speaks next

"I agree with everything my friends have said. People should not treat werewolves different from other people. We are all 15 years old. We are not supposed to be influenced in school. We are supposed to be taught fact. Not opinion. And filling our brains with this nonsense is not helping to make us not prejudice."


"GLADLY!" We all shout at the same time.

I walk out the door followed by Sirius, James, and Peter.

When we get to dumbledors office we explain what happened. I'm still holding sirius' hand like a lifeline.

"I am greatly sorry for this inconvenience boys. I will be getting rid of this teacher immediatly. You may go back to your dorms. Remus, nothing he said was true and boys I am proud of you for standing up to your professor like that. You make take the rest of the day off."

"Thank you professor" We all say and walk out of his office.

When we get to the common room we all go sit on the couches. I put my head on sirius' lap and he cards his fingers through my messy hair.

"Are you okay baby?" He asks me

"Yeah, just have to keep telling myself I'm not a monster. I'm insecure enough without people adding on to it." I say.

"You are not a monster" Sirius says sitting me up. He leans in and kisses me gently. After we break apart I lay back down on his lap.

"I'm so in love with you" Sirius says pushing my hair out of my face.

"The feeling's mutual"

He leans down and kisses my for head. He keeps carding his hand through my hair and I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Forever?" I whisper right before sleep takes over my body.


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