Waiting For You

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~Remus POV~
Sirius went on a mission with Arthur and James 2 weeks ago and still isn't back. I'm so scared it was only supposed to be a one week mission!

Right now, lily, Molly and I I curled up on a couch in 12 Grimmauld place. Helping each other.

The only thing that let's me know that my husband is alive is a silver chain with a moon on it. Sirius has one with a star. They are charmed so when the person that has the other necklace is near you or alive it is warm. The necklace only gets cold if the other person dies. I reach to my neck and grasp my chain.

"Please padfoot, please be okay" I whisper, kissing the necklace.

I put on arm around Lily and one around Molly, letting them cry on me. I let out a few years of my own but I try my best to stay strong for them. Stay strong for Sirius. Just stay strong. Waiting for my husband.

The past two weeks all I've done is more around Grimmauld place. Fearing for sirius' life. I sleep with his favorite shirt. breathing in his sent helps me think that everything is going to be okay. Some days I just sit in bed and cry, scared for his life. I feel numb. Like a dementor is sucking out my soul constantly. I've went from scared to sad to terrified to all of those emotions at once. If you're wondering what they're doing they are on the hunt for the ravenclaw diadem. It's the last horcrux. If we destroy it then we can kill Voldemort for good. That's why it's so scary. They have so much pressure on their shoulders and they are only 20 years old! It's not fair! Lily is pregnant with James's child and Molly with Arthur's 6th. One of the twins come in the room and curl up on his moms lap. She just hugs him and kisses his head.

"I'm sorry honey did I scare you?" He just nods, burying his head in her shoulder.

"I'm okay sweetie, mummy's just missing daddy today go get your brother so I can hug you both" He leaves the room and comes back a minute later with his identical twin. They both curl up next to their mom and fall asleep, Molly soon after. So I gently remove my arm from her and put a blanket over the three. I put both of my arms around Lily and she curls into my chest. I kiss her for head and whisper comforting words to her until she falls into a semi peaceful sleep. None of us have slept well since our husbands had left. I put my head on top of Lily's and fall into a semi peaceful sleep as well.

I wake up with Lily still in my arms asleep. I look over to see that Molly is asleep too but one of the twins it awake. I lay Lily down gently and put a blanket over her. I walk over to where Molly is and ruffle the twins hair that is awake.

"Come on whichever one you are, let's go make your mum and Lily some breakfast" He carefully crawls out of his mums arms and walks over to me. I pick him up and he pits his head on my shoulder.

"Which one are you?" I ask him

He chuckles and whispers "George"

When we get to the kitchen I set the 2 year old on the counter and start making breakfast.

When we're done making breakfast we put some on plates and go serve Lily, Molly and Fred. George and I have some ourselves and then we just climb back on the couch for another day of waiting.

At about mid day we hear the front door open. I turn around to see James walking in, followed closely by Arthur and Sirius O my Merlin! He's back. The girls get up out of their seats immediately and go tackle their husbands I just stand there in shock.

"Mooooony" Sirius waves at me. I snap out of it and go pill him into a bone crushing hug. We're both crying and hugging each other as hard as we can. When we pull away I kiss him with as much passion as I possibly can.

"I was so worried! Don't you dare worry me like that again Sirius Orion Black! Do you know how long I didn't sleep but worrying about you?! Waiting for you to come back! Do you know how much I clutched my necklace willing you to be okay? Do you have any idea how worried I was"

He just walks me over to the couch and sits down. I sit next to him and put my arms around him again.

"I'm here now Re, I'm safe, we're safe now. I promised I'd come home didn't I? I'll always come home to you no matter how dangerous my mission is. You are my number one priority and I will always come back okay? I missed you so much. I love you more than anything in the world moony"

"I love you too paddy" I kiss his head and lay down, taking Sirius with me. He rolls over and puts his head on my chest. I put my leg over his and snake my arms around his waist. He falls asleep quickly, me following closely for the first peaceful sleep I've had in a while.

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