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~Remus POV~
"HOW COULD YOU?" I scream at my boyfriend. (It's not Sirius, shh)

"Baby I'm sorry!" He wails back.


There is a guy sitting on the couch, pulling his shirt on.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he had a boyfriend" The boy explains.

"He doesn't anymore" I say, my tone cold. The boy leaves and I advance on Matthew, a murderous expression on my face.

"You thought, you could bring him in here and not get caught? How many times have you done this, Matt? How many other people have you slept with in here?" I say, starring him dead in the eyes.

"None, sweetheart. I fucked up" Matt says, looking down at his feet.

"DAMN RIGHT YOU FUCKED UP!" I yell. Matt places his hands on my hips, laying his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, baby, I fucked up. Im so sorry" Matt cries. For a moment I consider just kissing him and letting it go. But this has happened before. This time I won't stand for it.

"Matt, no" I murmur, my tone is soft, but stern.

"B- but, Bear?" Matt calls me bear, don't question it.

"No, I can't forgive you this time. I can't let you stay if all you do is lie to me. You broke my trust, Matt. I can't deal with that"

"Remmy, baby, please" Matt cries. I gently push him away and place my index finger under his chin.

"One day, you'll find a nice guy, and you'll settle down. But I'm not that guy, Mattie" I say softly. He's been my boyfriend for two years, I can't just be mad at him.

"But sweetheart I love you" Matt says. His eyes are swimming with tears and so are mine.

"Don't lie, Matt" I say, my tone getting a bit colder.

"I'm not lying, Bear. I promise"

"You've promised before. Now go on" I say.

"You can't just kick me out of our apartment" Matt says, exasperated.

"Who pays for this apartment, Matt?" I question. I notice the tears in Matt's eyes. I wipe them away with the back of my sleeve.

"Don't cry, Mattie. You'll get over me" I reassure.

"I understand your decision, Remus. I really am sorry, though" Matt says. I place a small kiss to the tip of his nose.

"I know you are, Mattie" I say. Matt goes into the bedroom and I sit on the couch, laying my head in my hands. Matt comes back out a minutes later, his suitcase in hand.

"Hey, bear?" Matt asks.

"Yeah?" I say, looking up at him.

"Find someone better than me. Someone that will take care of you. Whoever does snag you off the market, they'll be a lucky guy. Dont ever let anyone tell you you're not amazing, because you are" Matt says, a soft smile playing at his lips.

"Thanks, Mattie" I say.

"If you ever wanna grab a drink or something, you know my number"

"I'd like that" I say, smiling. Matt leaves and I grab a notebook. I like to write songs when I have built up emotions. I sing them at a local bar, on my days off.

~Sirius POV~~A week later~

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I scream, seeing my boyfriend on the couch with another boy sitting on his lap. The boy climbs off, glaring at David.

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