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Assassin!AU. I've been thinking about this particular subject a lot, so here's what I came up with.

Quick question: do you pronounce Remus as Ree-mus or Ray-mus because I always thought it was the second one and I think I've been saying it wrong? Idk

Tw: assassins obviously, death, abuse, nightmares, past child abuse (including physical, mental, and s*xual), past self harm, so many feelings, mentions of PTSD

Oh also, when it says 'Howell' that's Remus. 

~Remus' POV~

"Howell!" I turn around to face my boss, Alastor Moody. 

"Alastor, can't I wash the blood off my hands before you give me another job? I'm going to get a disease," I sigh, rolling my eyes. 

"Keep walking, I'll follow," 

I continue walking to the bathroom. Alastor starts talking. 

"I have a job for you. A big job,"

"Alright," I say, scrubbing the blood rhythmically off of my hands. 

"The Lestrange's and the Malfoy's are getting together this weekend for some kind of gathering. I want them eliminated," It makes sense. The Death Eaters are our biggest rivals, and both of these families are heavily intertwined with them. But, there's one tiny issue. 

I turn and look at Alastor. "The Malfoy's have a child."

"Yes. A child that is beaten within an inch of his life every day," Alastor presses. I nod, taking out my knife to wash that too. 

"Alright, I'll do it." I say. "What do you want me to do with the kid?" Alastor knows I'll do just about anything but assassinate a kid. 

"Bring him here. Malfoy's are bred to kill, and this one hasn't started training yet. He's only four," I nod. 

"Will he be taken care of?" I ask, no emotion in my voice. 

"Were you?" Alastor chuckles. I nod. Yeah, I was taken care of. 

"Good point," I say, putting my knife back in its place. I turn and make to leave when Alastor speaks again. 

"Oh, and Howell?" I stop, but don't turn back around. "You'll be working with a partner." 

That makes me turn around. "What?" I ask through gritted teeth. 

"Sirius Black. He's smart, he's quick, and he's probably our best man right after you,"

"I work alone, Alastor." I deadpan, my whole body heating up with anger. 

"You can't work alone on this mission, Remus. It's really big, bigger than anything you've ever done alone," I clench my jaw. Alastor only calls me Remus when he knows I'm about to flip my shit. 

"Have you already told him?" I ask, trying my best not to sock Alastor right in the mouth. 

"No. I wanted to tell you first to make sure you were okay with it,"

"I'm not." I say, knowing he won't care. 

"Okay, to make sure you can tolerate it," Moody rephrases his sentence. I sigh. 

"Fuck," I drag a hand through my hair. "Fine. But if he gets in my way, I slit his throat too." I turn on my heel and walk away. 

~Sirius' POV, two hours later~

"Black?" I chuckle down at Alastor from the window sill. 

"Up here," I call. Alastor jumps and looks up at me. 

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