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【ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀɪᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴘᴇʀ's sᴀᴄʀɪғɪᴄᴇ ❴ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ❵】

Bruh..I realized the picture was half showing No. 6's boundary.

Anyways.... So the original ending won, but don't worry! For those who wants the manga one

(;・∀・) What kind of Author am I? Can't even interact with her readers without chickening out.

Ahem.... There will be an alternate version. The one of what if the author follows the events in the manga. That will be in a separated book ofcourse. Only after this book and the manga ends.

But updating might take a while since Im failing school right now. ><

Also heres a picture of Hatsume! I drew this myself. And I changed her kimono design.


"Aoi-chan was probably taken to under the school, No. 6's boundary." Hanako explained. He then took out a piece of paper and pressed some specific number codings. The three watched him from behind.


"Hanako-kun, what are you doing?" Yashiro asked.

"Those are codes right?" Hatsume asked, wanting to know if she guessed it right. "For us to be able to reach No. 6's boundary?"

"Yep. You're right about that." Hanako told as he finished the conbinations. "To activate the elevator, you need to press specific numbers in order." He turned to the three and smiled. "Now."

The elevator started moving.

"We are now heading to the boundary that is closest to the far shore."

"Are you sure that Ao-chan is really there?" Akane asked the male mystery.

"I'm not certain but.... The probability is quite high. The mysteries can only demonstrate their true power in their own boundary after all."

The elevator made a sound, signaling that they have arrived.

"Come on... We're here."

The four then exit the elevator. Yashiro carefully walked on the floaded ground, Hatsume floated next to her as Hanako floated in front. A mokke dangling on his leg, wanting not to get wet. Akane left the elevator the last.

Hatsume noticed a mokke drowning on the water and carefully scooped the little pink supernatural into her harms. She then dried it off with her kimono sleeves. "There....All better!"

"So this is...The closest place to the far shore..." Yashiro muttered.

The elevator disappeared in the fog as they moved forward.

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