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【ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏɴᴜᴛs】


"So, Yashiro. Is it me or Have you been acting weird?" Hanako said suspiciously making Hatsume nodded agreeing as they both stared at the human girl who was currently mopping the bathroom floor. The said girl look up from mopping, so did Minamoto Kou who decided to help out and was wiping the window.

"Huh?" Yashiro Nene sweated bullets as the two supernatural approached her. She only moved away and continued mopping. "....I'm just acting just like I always do." She lied ignoring the two spirit's and Kou's curious gazes.

"Are you sure? I dunno. Your just not reacting as well as you used to. And you stopped whinning during cleaning too." Hanako stated.

"Nene-chan? I-is there something troubling you?" Hatsume asked worriedly. "Y-you know, you could always talk to me right?"

Yashiro avoided her and Hanako's gaze. "I"m alright, Hatsume-chan. And Hanako, Don't you think it's a good thing?"

"But it's boring!" Hanako whinned clinging unto the human girl's shoulder. But she still avoiding their gazes.

A ringging silence surrounds the four after that. That was until Hanako grabbed both of Yashiro's cheeks and started pinching them. "Why won't you look at me?!" She started panicking after she saw the tears falling from the female seventh mystery's eyes.

"Nene-chan...D-do yo-you h-hate me n-now?" Hatsume sobbed, her sentences were cutted by hiccups and stutters. "D-di-did I or Hanako-kun do s-something wrong? T-then, I'm s-sorry on o-our be-behalf." 'Yashiro couldn't stand seeing Hatsume crying so she panicked and ran towards the ghost girl, hugging her tighly. Wanting her friend to stop crying. Hanako floated towards the girls.

"Aww.. Yashiro look what you did, You made Hatsu-chan cry." Hanako teased. "Your a naughty daikon for making a sweet girl cry..."

"Hatsume-chan! I'm sorry! You didn't do anything! Please stop crying!"

Kou could only stare at the trio quietly, he did know that something happened back the boundary. That's when a brilliant idea came into his mind.


Yashiro sat on her desk deep in thought, not really paying attention towards the teacher who was lecturing infront of the class.

'I am been acting weird. It's true.... Ever since I got a glimpse of Hanako-kun's past self at the 4pm bookstacks... I don't know why but I can't look at him in the eye....'

Yashiro waved goodbye to her bestfriend, Aoi...

'Hatsume-chan too.... She was already dead at that, but I can't help but feel upset whenever I look at her...'

She then changed into her gardening clothes...

'I mean...I.... I'm just a normal girl!!'

Yashiro hit the dirt with her hoe with much force, tears was threating to fall from her eyes. A mokke got startled at the sudden force.

'This wouldn't happen if I haven't seen those memories in the bookstacks! It's all their fault this feels real now..'

Yashiro used the sickle as she took the weeds from the garden. A few mokkes stared at her as she worked.

"What should I do? What would be best?" Yashiro muttered to herself. "I have toilet-cleaning today... So I have to see Hanako-kun and Hatsume-chan again...."

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