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【ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀᴛsᴜᴍᴇ-sᴀɴ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴏɪʟᴇᴛ】

(h/c)- Hair color
(e/c)- Eye color
(n/n)- nickname

'In the third stall of the girl's bathroom on the third floor of the old building... Lives The twins, Hanako and Hatsume-san, who grants a wish to anyone who summon them. But in exchange, The twins take something precious from them.'

A girl with long white and green hair enters the bathroom, on her school uniform was a skull brooch that she wears where ever she goes. But what made her appearance unique is her rather chubby ankles which earned her the nickname, "Daikon legs."

'To call them, knock at the door three times...'

The girl approached the third stall of the bathroom with noticeable fear on her ruby red eyes. With hesitation she knocked on the third stall thrice and whispered quietly.

"Hanako-san, Hatsume-san, Are you there?" The girl's heart was beating rapidly as she waited for an answer. She could feel it slightly jumped when the door creaked opened.

"We're here...." Two voices said in unison.

She closed her eyes in fear. The girl waited for the two rumored ghost to appear in front of her, but they didn't. She opened her eyes only to see the stall open but with no one inside. She sighed in relief. "Oh, It was just my imagination."

As she said that,a cold hand was placed on her shoulder, and a voice whispered on her ear. "Behind you...."

The girl trembles as she screamed and launched a hand towards the person to try and hit them. But her hand just went through the person's face making her panicked even more, she then backed away and curled into a ball on the corner of the room.

The sudden laughter of a boyish voice followed by a few feminine giggles made the trembling girl look up, confusion and fear was visible on her face. 'A boy?'

"Are you alright?" Same boyish voice asked now from behind her. This caused her to panic, allowing herself to back away again only to hit a wall.

"We didn't mean to frighten you." The same feminine voice, now being much more timid tried to calm her. The white haired girl looked towards the voices and realization hit her.

'Two translucent Body,
An old uniform,
A kimono,
Ghostly orbs...'

"T-the two of you a-are-"

"We're ghosts..." The translucent boy said as he floated and sat on top of the third stall toilet. The boy has raven black hair and yellow mischevious eyes. On top of his head has a black hat that goes perfectly well with his old school uniform. He also have a white patch with the written world 'seal' on his left cheek.

"The two of us, are the seventh of the seven mysteries of the school..." A translucent girl wearing a black and red kimono then floated towards the boy and sat on the stall, just above the boy. She has long (h/c) hair, some of her bangs were held together by a beautiful flower clip, She has soft (e/c) eyes that held kindness towards the white haired human girl. Like the boy she has the same white 'seal' but on her right cheek.

"Hanako-san.." The boy said.

"Hatsume-san.." The girl said.

"Of the Toilet. Pleasure to meet you." The two said in unison. The Daikon like girl stared at the duo in disbelief. "Yo-you two are Hanako and Hatsume-san?!"

|| 7th: Our Fate Together || Hanako X Ghost ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя