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【ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀs ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ】


'No. 3.... I-Is he....De-dead?...' Hatsume thought as her (e/c) orbs stared down in fear and worry, at the bloody supernatural infront of her. Yashiro Nene was next to her with a horrified expression.

'Hanako-kun said, that the seven mysteries are unbeatable in their boundaries.' The daikon legged girl thought. 'But Tsukasa-kun took it down... When Hatsume-chan has been struggling to defeat it, he took it out like it was nothing!'

"You know..." Tsukasa started making the two girls jolted up in fright. The younger twin walked towards the pink haired boy on the ground. "I thought I told you, Mitsuba. You can't stay in the mortal world because you're too weak and pathetic."

Mitsuba sniffles as Tsukasa continued, going back to the corpse of the third mystery. "So if you don't wanna to disappear, You have to work hard and get stronger." He then felt the chest of the mystery. "Hmmm, Should be around here somewhere."

He then jabbed his hand to the third's chest, making Hatsume flinched. Yashiro stared at her in worry as the female seventh mystery trembled at the sight.

"If you want to get stronger...." Tsukasa raised the bloody heart high up as it was a trophy. "You have to beat up strong supernaturals and eat 'em!"


"...So? Why are you bothering me with this?" The fifth school mystery, Tsuchigomori asked with no interest, what so ever.

"Because! It's been two hours since they took Hatsume and Yashiro! And I can't get into No. 3's boundary!" Hanako exclaimed in panicked. Minamoto Kou was behind him nodding furiously.

"The kid and I even tried begging on hands and knees, for No. 3 to let us in, but it didn't work!"

"PLEASE, SPIDERFACE!!" Kou finally shouted.

"Sensei..." Hanako whispered to the young exorcist's ear. Wanting not to anger the fifth, or he might not help them.


This ticked, Tsuchigomori. "You little...."

"I can't..." Tsuchigomori stared at Hanako who look down helpless and hurt.

".....I can't let Yashiro or Hatsume get hurt. Yashiro's our Assistant....And....I can't loose Hatsume again." Hanako said, frowning. He then look up towards his former sensei. "Tell me, Tsuchigomori...Won't you?"

Tsuchigomori could see the vulnerability in the male seventh mystery's eyes. He know how hurt his former student was when he lost her. The boy nearly lost his own sanity, she was the one who kept him sane.

The spider like man could see it. He truly does love her.

The girls meant a lot to him. Yashiro was the only first friend, he manage to make besides his other half. Hatsume on the other hand, was the love of his life, he really needs her. Tsuchigomori sighed.

"Well, I do have an idea." The tall man then took out, The former second school mystery, Yako who was snoozing in the nearby shelf. He then tossed her towards to the two boys. Luckily, Hanako manage to caught her.

"No. 2? Why?" Hanako stared at Yako who now awake and staring back at him.

"Heare me out..." Tsuchigomori started making the two boys stare back at him. "The seven mysteries' boundaries each serve to oversee a certain aspect of the school. My bookstacks manages 'Records', The Clock Keepers manages 'Time', And No. 2 manages 'Space'.

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