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【ᴛʜᴇ 4ᴘᴍ ʙᴏᴏᴋsᴛᴀᴄᴋs ❴ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ❵】


"I'll take you to my Yorishiro." Tsuchigomori said looking at the four who was staring back at him. Yako was still on his shoulder. "Come with me."

"All right! then we're off to destroy Tsuchigomori's Yoshiro! Let's go!" Hanako cheered with Kou on his side doing the same. Forgetting about the two females who were left eating their dust."Yeah! Let's go!"

"Hold it." Tsuchigomori held the boys with two of his many hands before they could even go inside the cave.

"You boys are staying here." He put the two down away from the cave entrance, along with Yako who he just took off of his shoulder. "The only one allowed at this point is the Kannagi girl who is going to destroy the Yorishiro."

"Kannagi?" Yashiro asked. She then felt Hatsume hugging her side protectively.

"It means you're our assistant." Hanako said floating towards her.

"Gimme a break, Spider-face!" Kou yelled. "I can't let senpai go alone! It's too dangerous!" All of sudden Tsuchigomori grabbed him and covered his mouth with his hands, as the blonde boy trashed furiously.

"Well? What are you two going to say, Honorable lord and lady number 7?" The two remained silent as Hatsume hugged Yashiro tightly and Hanako stared at the spider like man, his face being blank.

"Alright." Hanako sighed. Hatsume looked at her other half in disbelief. "H-Hanako-"

"It's alright, Hatsume..." Hanako removed the female seventh mystery's hands away from the human girl. "She'll be fine." The (h/c) beauty gave up and allowed her friend to go.

Hanako pushed Yashiro gently towards Tsuchigomori. He then grabbed Kou to keep him from running after her. "Well, We'll see you."

"Take good care of my and Hatsume's assistant, Tsuchigomori-sensei." Hanako said as the door closed behind them.

"I-I am really going to alone?" Yashiro muttered. The spider like man then lift up the lantern and began to walk ahead.

"This way..." Yashiro lifted up her own lantern and look around to the surroundings. The cave was full of beautiful glowing crystals and also that there was a black spider like creature eating some of the crystals.

"Are you related to the mokkes?"The human girl asked about to touch the spider like creature when a hand grab hers, refraining her from touching it.

"Refrain touching things, you don't have to." Tsuchigomori said as he let go of the girl's hand.

"Y-yes, sir!"

The two went walking. It was a deafing silent that Yashiro thought of how she would start a conversation, but her sensei beat her to it.

"How....Are they?"


"Number 7. I guess what I'm wondering is....Are things working out with the two of them?"

'Is he asking how I'm getting along with Hanako-kun and Hatsume-chan? Or their relationship with each other?' Yashiro thought.

"Well.... Hanako-kun is a bit mean towards me and he's misleading. But Hatsume-chan would always be there to put him right back into his place..... And He gets into fight. with Minamoto-kun." Yashiro rambled.

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