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【ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀs ❴ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ❵

Has any of you watched the anime Dr Stone?

'Cause I fell inlove with Senku there! Now that I talk about it, he looks like Yashiro's long lost smart twin😂


'Hello! I'm the other half of the seventh of the Seven Mysteries, Hatsume-san of the Toilet!

It's usually Nene-chan who does the introduction, But she's currently occupied right now.

Before, Nene-chan and I were grabbed by mysterious hands and dragged into the boundary belonging to No. 3 of the seventh mystery- The Hell Mirrors.

And now...'

Hatsume could only stare in worry as Yashiro Nene's fears were brought to life by the mirrors. Mitsuba on the other hand wasn't even trying to help and was only laughing at the daikon legged girl's pain.

'Nene-chan is being bullied!'

"Isn't this the most wonderful mirror?" The mirror version of Yashiro's bestfriend asked, cheerfully. "It can see everything your afraid of!"

"That's not fair, only attacking me..." Yashiro sobbed. She then pushed Mitsuba infront of the mirror. "You should get a radish attack too! Mitsuba-kun!"

Mitsuba and the mirror 'Aoi' stared at each other in complete silence, soon the girl in the mirror disappeared.

"Huh? It's not reflecting anything...?" Yashiro muttered.

"Mitsuba-kun... A-are you immune to t-the mirror?" Hatsume asked. But the pink haired boy remained silent.

"I wonder what happened..." Yashiro muttered.

"It's always been like that ever since I came here... It won't reflect anything for me. Is it because I'm a ghost?" Mitsuba look at his feet, upset. "Or.... Maybe  it's because I don't have any memories."

"No.. Memories?" Yashiro asked, looking confused.

"I don't remember about when I was alive or how I died." Mitsuba said. "Well, not like that stuff matters, since I'm dead."

"Mitsuba-kun..." Hatsume looked at him worried. The pink haired boy decided to changed the subject by asking Yashiro.

"So, how are we suppost to get out of this hell of Daikon?"

"I-it's th-the h-hell mirrors!" Yashiro stuttered out, feeling a bit offended of the sudden nickname. "And w-we just need to destroy the yorishiro!"

Since the white haired girl was now standing again infront of the mirror, The mirror version of Aoi appeared again making Yashiro panicked. "Ack! She's back!"

"Oh ugly daikon-chan. You wanna go all the way up there?" 'Aoi' asked.

"Up there?"

"Right up there!" The three then all look up to the ceiling where the mirror Aoi was pointing. Hatsume gasped as she saw the sight of the black seal.

"That's it!" She pointed.

"I-It can't be?! That's your yorishiro?!" Yashiro exclaimed.

"If you wanna get to the top level and reach the yorishiro, you have to go through this mirror." 'Aoi' said. "But the mirror is only for pretty people. I feel bad, but, I can't let an ugly daikon like you through here."

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