Chapter Thirty Seven

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A girl with chocolate brown hair, two streaks of snowy white hair at the front of the scalp walks by the Black Lake. She kneels down in front of the water and looks at herself in the reflection of the water below. Her dark brown eyes with a shimmer of gold shine off of the water, making it look as though her eyes have been substituted for stars. Her tan skin glows in the sunset, the colors fading slowly into a mix of pink, orange, and blue for it is five minutes before dinner.

She stands up from in front of the lake and brushes off her school uniform, one she didn't feel like taking off after a long day of classes. She turns around and looks at the beautiful castle she still couldn't believed she lived in even after three years.

She sighs loudly, for no one to hear as there was no one around, as she walked towards the tree in front of the lake and picked up her schoolbag. She shoves the pieces of parchment in the large pocket of her jet black bag, one gifted to her from her Mother. She picks up the quill and shoves it in the front pocket of the bag, which has her initials engraved on the front of it, where all of the other quills she owns are. She lastly picks up the closed ink bottle and carefully puts it inside of the side and zips up the zipper that shields it.

She slings the bag around her shoulder and looks down at the black ink covering her fingertips. She had been working on her homework all day and decided to do it by the lake, where she found comfort by.

She walks up to the castle alone, her thoughts filled with food for her stomach was growling, begging to be fed as the hunger filled, or emptied, her stomach. She thought about the delicious lamb and the salty potatoes, the crunchy carrots and the lovely, breathtaking desserts. Her mouth watered at the thought as she glanced down at her watch, only to realize it was a few minutes after dinner started and everyone was supposed to be in the castle now.

No one else was around, in the courtyard, as she ran up the field and tried to make it to the castle for dinner, before she was stopped in her tracks and stared at the thing making it's way towards her.

She gulps slowly and stares at the floating, shadowy, hooded monster that is in front of her. It spots her and starts to fly towards the poor, helpless girl as she panics and digs for her wand in the inside pocket of her robes. Her breathing has gotten exceptionally heavy and sweat covered at least every inch of her in trepidation.

The air around her gets cold, too cold for her liking, as she tried to snuggle into her robe more without making too much movement. The sky was no longer bright and sunny, no longer giving off a happy vibe that it did only a few moments ago. It was now extremely dark, the fog gathering around her and the dark clouds now hovering overhead.

The feeling she felt was something she had only felt once before, on the train where she passed out. Only fear, sadness, and emptiness built up inside of her.

The monster flew closer to her and she stumbled as far back as she possibly could, trying to prevent herself from falling into the lake while also trying to prevent getting kissed by the Dementor. Her breaths were shaky and they struggled to come out, threatening to stop suddenly. She was at the edge of the lake, no longer able to move back any farther, as the horrifying beast approached her and, at the time, she could swear she saw him smirk at his victim.

She tried to scream, or make any noise really, but couldn't as nothing left her mouth from shock. She finally clutched her wand and pointed it up at the monster, trying to gather her happiest memory she can find, before yelling out the spell she knew would rid this beast from her.

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