Chapter Twenty Nine

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Today was the first day of classes. I woke up pretty early this morning and let Daphne do my hair. She insisted, but I didn't mind. She always managed to make me look good, she always managed to make anyone look good. She probably could even make Millicent look good.

She did my hair in a ponytail leaving the two white hair strands down in front of my face. I put my Slytherin robes on and walked with Daphne down to the Great Hall.

When we entered, there were plenty of kids scattered across the tables. We made our way to the Slytherin table where we could already see Blaise sitting at.

I sat down across from Blaise and Daphne, and when he noticed her, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Daphne blushed intensely from this, and I smiled softly, but could feel jealousy rising in my stomach.

I wanted that, just with someone else. I looked across the Great Hall and found my eyes landing on a particular red head Gryffindor boy. He noticed me and smiled, and I smiled and waved back. However, his smile quickly turned into a frown when someone sat down next to me. I turned my head to my left to see who the person was.


"Hello Knight." He says to me, a smirk plastered on his face.

I give him a fake smile and turn back to my food. I took a bite of the slice of bread with jam on it and drank some pumpkin juice, ignoring the bloke on my left.

"Why is Weaselbee staring at you?" Malfoy asks me, disgust in his voice.

My eyes go wide and I look up from my plate and across the Great Hall at Ronald. When I spot him, he was indeed staring at me. We locked eyes for a split second, a second that felt like hours. He then looked away and back at Harry. I looked back down at my plate, the blood rising to my cheeks.

I don't know how to explain the way I feel about Ronald. It's different than when I'm around Harry, Blaise, Malfoy, or any boy for that matter. I know, we're fairly young. But the whole time I've been here at Hogwarts, the whole time I've known Ronald, I've been happy. I mean, yes, all of my other friends make me feel happy.

But Ronald, he makes me feel alive. Like I'm living. Blood courses through my veins at just the mere thought of him. I can't contain a smile around him, and I feel myself blush when he so much as brushes against me. I love this feeling, and I'd love to feel it forever.

"Does he have a thing for you or something?" Malfoy asks me.

I was only thinking for a second when Malfoy quickly interrupted. I roll my eyes and shrug at him. I put my head on my hands and give him an annoyed look.

"I don't know. If I did, it'd be..." I stopped, looking at the angry look Malfoy has on his face. I furrow my eyes in confusion, trying to figure out if I had done anything wrong. "Is something wrong?"

He quickly stops the face he was making earlier and shakes his head no, keeping quiet. I decided to accidentally brush my shoulder against him to get an aura. So I gathered my things and stood up, accidentally bumping into him as I walk past. He gives me an annoyed look as I mumble an apology.

Anger and jealousy.

What the hell? Why was he angry? Why was he jealous? I turned around to see he was staring at me as I exited. He saw me looking back and then looked back down at the table.

I looked over at Ronald and saw he was also staring at me, but when we locked eyes, this time he didn't look away. I gave him a small smile, one he returned and waved. I looked back at Malfoy who was glaring furiously at Ronald. I turned around and left the hall.

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