Chapter Eighty One

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Dumbledore had disappeared, which was good and bad.

The good side was that now he didn't have to go to Azkaban and could work on Voldemort from behind the scenes. The bad side was that now Umbridge was Headmistress.

But it had been days since then, now the first day of Easter break. I was sitting in the common room with Daphne, Blaise, and Astoria, studying for O.W.L.'s- which were in six short weeks- but also pondering the dream I had a few days ago, where I opened the door in the Department of Mysteries.

Daphne was listening as Astoria was going on about the Weasley twins most recent prank, saying how Colin took at least thirty photos of the fireworks that were in the forms of swear words, dragons, and lions. Daphne was painting her nails a bright green color, matching her little sister's nails, which were painted silver.

Blaise was also studying for the O.W.L.'s, but looked distracted as he continuously kept looking up at Daphne admiringly and smiling softly as he would watch her, looking down and reading before he would do it again. And as I watched, my heart ached...

Suddenly, the portrait hole swung open and Malfoy swaggered in, plopping himself on the empty arm chair behind Blaise, who was kneeling on the ground in front of the coffee table. Astoria gasped and ran towards him, setting herself on his lap and running her fingers through his blonde, thin hair.

"Oh, Draco, you've been gone for so long!" Astoria says worriedly, kissing him on the cheek delicately. "Where have you been?"

"Hospital Wing." He responds cockily, shrugging, turning his head towards her and kissing her on the lips. I gulped at this, looking down at my book again as I shifted in my spot in the other arm chair.

"How's Montague?" Blaise asks mindlessly as he glanced up at Daphne, smiling as she continued to paint her nails carefully.

"Montague?" I ask abruptly, looking up at Blaise and Malfoy in confusion. "What's happened to Montague?"

"The Weasley twins shoved him into a Vanishing Cabinet." Daphne tells me as Malfoy opened his mouth to respond, cutting him off. He scowled at her as Astoria continued to admire him with her... lips. Daphne looked up at me. "Come on, keep up."

"Why would he be in the Hospital Wing, though?" I ask, cocking my head to the side as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"He tried to get out normally, but the cabinet was broken." Blaise informs me, looking back down from Daphne to his book. "So he Apparated out."

"But he ended up stuck in a toilet." Malfoy finishes, raising his eyebrows at me as I slowly turned my head towards him. "Which is where I found him." 

"Is he alright?" I ask worriedly. 

"He's fine." Malfoy shrugs, Astoria moving from his jaw to his lips before pulling away and kissing his neck. "He just talks random nonsense, now. Confused."

The five of us fell back into a silence, me trying to go back to my reading, but hearing the noise of Astoria and Malfoy snogging that didn't seem to bother anyone else. How could I focus when all I could hear was the sound of their lips smashing together, their saliva mixing, the shuffling in the small chair that they both fit in, the praises of Astoria to Malfoy...

I looked up at Blaise, who didn't seem to even notice Malfoy and Astoria as he was completely enchanted by Daphne, staring at her dreamily as she waved her hands in the air to dry her nails, looking at the "Witch Weekly" article in her lap and reading the beauty section carefully. 

And when my eyes moved on from Daphne to Astoria and Malfoy, it seemed my stomach did a backflip. They were snogging rather messily, which seemed to be normal for the two of them, as they usually snogged in the corner of the common room, to which everyone collectively decided to avoid. 

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