Chapter Seventy Two

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Professor Umbridge had been named High Inquisitor.

The Ministry of Magic gave her this title, and it means that now she can make rules and sit in on classes to inspect the teachers, reporting back to the Minister on what she sees. 

It was rubbish and I instantly stood up from the Slytherin table when I read the horrible part about Remus in the Daily Prophet, calling him a half-breed and saying he was unfit to teach because he is a werewolf. 

Then I went off to History of Magic, which was just as boring as usual, and Potions, where we got our essays back, which were graded as they would be if they were O.W.L. exams. 

I got an O, I saw Daphne got a P, Blaise got an E, Malfoy also got an O, as did Hermione, Ronald got a P, and I believe Harry got a D

O is outstanding, E is exceeds expectations, A is acceptable, P is poor, D is dreadful, and T is troll, which we all learned from Fred, George, and Lee at lunch, where I sat next to Ronald and the others at the Gryffindor table.

Afterwards, we went off to Divination, me sitting by Malfoy, but the class was interrupted by Professor Umbridge coming in to monitor and inspect Professor Trelawney. 

"Good afternoon, Professor Trelawney." Professor Umbridge greets. "You received my note, I trust? Giving the time and date of your inspection?"

Professor Trelawney nodded shortly and, looking very uncomfortable and nervous, turned her back on Umbridge and continued her task of handing out books. 

Professor Umbridge, who was still smiling, pulled out a chair and placed it a few inches behind Professor Trelawney's, sat in it, looking at the class patiently. 

Professor Trelawney made to go to her chair, but when she saw Professor Umbridge, she stopped and turned around.

"We shall be continuing our study of the prophetic dreams today." Professor Trelawney announces, her voice slightly trembling. "Divide into pairs, please, and interpret each other's latest nighttime visions with the aid of the Oracle."

She then moved towards Lavender and Parvati, and I turned to Malfoy, who was smirking. 

"Alright, say one of your dreams." I say, grabbing the Oracle, a notebook, a quill, and ink. "I'll journal it-"

"No, I said mine last time." He says, shaking his head. "About the vampire I beat to pieces with a Beaters bat. It's your turn."

"Oh, um..." I hesitate, knowing my dreams and how creepy and frightening they were. "I can't recall anything-"

"Just make something up." He shrugs. "Not that big of a deal."

"I won't, that's so disrespectful." I say, rolling my eyes. "Here... well, there's this one where there's a door at the end of a hallway, and when I go to open it, it's locked."

"Okay..." Malfoy writes this down. "And when did you have this dream?"

"Er... I've had it multiple times before." I tell him. "It's recurring."

"And..." He continues to copy down my words. "...what is the subject? 'Door', 'hallway', or 'locked'?" 

"Not locked, that isn't a noun." I say. "Either door or hallway."

"I'll just do door." He says. "Ok, and what do you reckon-"

"Now." Professor Umbridge's loud, annoying, high-pitched voice starts. "You've been in this post how long, exactly?"

Professor Trelawney scowled, was quiet for a moment, before responding.

"Nearly sixteen years."

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