Chapter Twenty Eight

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Today was September 1st. We arrived at Platform 9 3/4 with the Weasleys, Mother and I. Harry and Hermione were there too as we went through the wall onto the Platform.

I looked around the Platform and saw new students and familiar faces, all saying goodbye to their parents. I said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and then turned to Mother. When I saw her, she had tears in her eyes, making me roll my eyes.

"Mother, please don't cry. I'll visit for Christmas, I promise." I tell her.

She nods and doesn't say a word as she pulls me into a hug. I roll my eyes and hug her back, embarrassed. When we finally pull away, she wipes her tears.

"Now, be good. I want you to be careful, very careful, having Dementors guarding the school. If one attacks you, I taught you the spell. I know you never really tried it, but I just need you to be careful. I love you. Goodbye." She says.

A tear slips down her face and I quickly wipe it away with my fingers. She smiles softly and hugs me one last time. This time when we pull away, I smile at her.

"Goodbye, Mother." I tell her. She kisses my forehead and I walk away, boarding the train.


The train felt gloomier than usual, and I was getting a dark aura. I brushed it off and walked down the aisles, searching for an empty compartment or one where I would spot at least one of my friends.

I walked down, aisle by aisle, until I felt someone grip tightly onto my forearm. They pull me back and I turn around, seeing someone I didn't expect.

"Malfoy?" I ask.

He looked much older, no longer the young boy he was last year. His hair was no longer gelled down to his scalp, but loose and free in front of his face. He was much taller- taller than me. We were quite a few centimeters apart in height from each other, and I could feel his breath on my face. He looked down at me and gave me an annoyed look.

"Yeah, Malfoy. Are you coming to sit by Greengrass, Blaise, and I yet or are you going to be walking down the aisle like a brainless bloke?" He asks sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and nod at him, his grip on my forearm still tight. "Yeah, I'm coming. Just show me where you guys are sitting."

He turns around and pulls me with him, down the aisles. People were giving us odd looks as we walked passed compartments full of students until we finally arrived at a compartment with our friends.

Malfoy entered first, still not letting go of my forearm, forcing me to sit next to him. I eventually snatch my arm away and he rolls his eyes once I do.

"Hey you guys, how was your summer?" I ask them.

Malfoy shrugs while Blaise and Daphne look at each other before holding hands. My eyes go wide, and I look at Malfoy who's jaw is to the floor.

"You guys are dating?" He asks, obviously surprised.

Daphne beams largely and nods excitedly, a smile tugging at the corner of Blaise's lips. I smile at Daphne, a real, genuine smile, and nod at her.

"Congrats, you guys! I knew you two always had a thing for each other." I state. Blaise looks at Daphne and then nods, making her blush like crazy.

Honestly, they were perfect for each other. Blaise looked at her like she was the only girl in the world and treated her like a queen. They always hung out together and I assumed this happened over break.

"Did you guys kiss yet?" Malfoy asks them eagerly.

Daphne looks down at the table, her cheeks a bright shade of pink. Malfoy wolf whistles making Blaise kick him under the table. Daphne and I laugh as they start sharing the story on how they got together.

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