Chapter Seven

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"Lila, Lila wake up!" Daphne yells at me waking up the other girls in the dorm. "It's Halloween, get up!"

I groaned and got up out of bed. Daphne was extremely excited, although I cannot say the same for myself. Holiday's are not much fun for my family.

"I'm up, I'm up. Merlin, Daphne, it's six in the morning!" I yell at her. She didn't care, though. She was at her vanity doing her makeup as she always did.

I put on my robes and uniform and slide my wand into my pocket. I was about to leave when Daphne called out to me.

"Lila, wait!"

I turn around to see her standing at the doorframe of our dormitory. I roll my eyes and walk towards her.


She looks at me with an excited expression on her face. Her smile is beaming, from ear to ear. She grabs my arm eagerly and pulls me into the dormitory once more. She sits me down at her vanity before I could object.

"Well, since it's a holiday, I feel it's my duty to make sure you look the best you can look!" I look at her blankly, trying to comprehend what she just said.

"So, you're going to give me a makeover?"

She nods and smiles eagerly, and points at the mirror gesturing for me to look straight. She grabs the brush and starts to brush my hair. "Of course! You need to look the best you can!" She explains.


After Daphne did all sorts of things with my hair and makeup, the final result wasn't too bad. I looked in the mirror to see a French braid with my two white hair strands out flopping over my face. The makeup wasn't a lot, but it was noticeable up close. She put a tiny amount of eyeshadow and mascara. The blush wasn't a lot, but it made me look like I was embarrassed all the time. She gave me some lip gloss, but I didn't put a lot. She didn't do a bad job, I actually looked better than expected.

I left the common room to go the Great Hall for breakfast. When I entered, the room was decorated with all kinds of Halloween themed decorations. Fake webs and spiders hung from the ceiling, and there were pumpkins everywhere. I was in awe, standing at the entrance of the Great Hall when someone tapped on my shoulder, getting my attention.

"Lila, hey." Ronald says to me when I turn around and face him. He studies my face with a confused expression upon it, and finally breaks the awkward silence. "Are you wearing makeup?"

"Um, yes. Daphne did my hair and makeup today. She insisted since it's Halloween." I explain and he nods.

"Well, it looks nice." He says to me making me blush.

As if the blush already on my face wasn't enough.

"Thanks Ronald." I say with a slight smile. He giggles.

"You can call me Ron, you know. Everyone else does." He tells me and I nod.

"Well not everyone. Hermione doesn't." I say to him. I look at the ground avoiding eye contact as we stand there for an awkward moment in silence.

"Yeah, well I said a few mean things about her yesterday and Harry and I haven't seen her since. You think you know where she is?" Ronald asks me and I shake my head no.

"I haven't seen her, but if I do I'll let you both know. Anything else?" I ask him and he looks up from the ground with an eager face.

"Yes, but I can't tell you here. Let's go to the library." He tells me starting to walk off. I nod as he gestures for me to follow him, so I do.

When we arrive at the library, we sit down at an empty table all the way in the back of the library where no one can see us.

"So, the other day I was walking with Harry down the corridors and Harry was talking about how he'll suck at Seeker, when Hermione showed up out of no where and told him he won't suck." I must've made a face of jealousy, because Ronald felt the need to explain himself.

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