Chapter Eighty Five

18 0 0

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass Grades

Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades

Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)

Lila Priscilla Knight has achieved:

Astronomy E
Care of Magical Creatures E
Charms O
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Divination O
Herbology A
History of Magic E
Potions O
Transfigurations O

The day I had gotten my results, my heart stopped. It had took me fifteen minutes before I had gathered the courage to actually open the envelope, unfold it and read my results. I was about to run downstairs and tell Mother and Father my results, but then remembered, and looked at the mark covered by the sleeve of my sweater on my arm, realizing for the first time I could never become an Auror after taking the Dark Mark, and had cried myself to sleep that night.

The results and all that studying was for nothing.

I stayed in my claimed room for the next few weeks, barely eating and sleeping, instead reading my books Smiley had brought for me the day he came and rarely eating the food appearing on my bedside every morning.

There were very noticeable bags under my eyes and I was skinnier than before, my cheeks sunken in, my lips chapped from the habit of picking at them constantly. I was always in distress and had gotten used to keeping a silencing spell on the room at all times, in case I fell asleep.

This was because, every time I did sleep, I relived the day Mother and Father died, then Sirius and Cedric coming, Mr. Darcy eventually showing up, their dead corpses haunting me, and I would awake with a loud scream.

I hadn't seen either of the Malfoys' since the day I got here, thankfully, but that changed when I was on my bed, reading a book on Seers, when I heard a knock on the door.

I didn't bother responding; usually it was just the house elves alerting me that they would be sending food or beverages in my room, but when neither appeared, I looked up questioningly at the door. This only meant it was one of the Death Eaters that lived in the Manor. I ignored it.

But then the door was pushed open and Draco Malfoy was in my room, a sneer on his face.

"Get out." I say simply.

"No." Malfoy says, straightening out his black suit as he eyes me with repugnance. "Mother told me to come and alert you-"

"I don't care what she told you, leave." I say irritably, rolling my eyes and returning to my book.

"This is my house, you're a guest." He says. "Or did you forget your place here?"

"I damn well know my place." I say agitatedly, slamming my book shut and standing up abruptly. "This is now my living place just as well as it is yours. I've been ordered to live here, as much as I wish I could leave, I have to stay here or all of my friends will die."

"Don't talk to me like that-"

"I'll talk to you however I want." I snap, eyes glaring into his face, my height only up to his chin. He had seriously grown over the summer, and while I have as well, it didn't nearly compare. "You are the reason I'm in this situation-"

All I Have LeftDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora