Chapter Seventy Five

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I woke up early on the second morning of November. 

No one else was awake yet, and since I had gone to bed early, I felt fully rested, despite waking up an hour earlier than usual. 

I slowly opened my curtains and stood up, walking to the closet as quietly as I can. 

I pulled out the striped green and silver sweater, putting on my Quidditch gear for the day, tying my gym shoes tightly. 

I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair, and braid it tightly, so none of it will get in my face. 

I grab my wand and tuck it into my back pocket and exit the dormitory, closing the door shut behind me slowly. 

I creep down the steps and exit the common room, taking notice how no one else is awake as I exit the dungeons and make my way up the stairs and to the Great Hall. 

But Angelina Johnson was awake, and so was Montague, who were glaring at each other from across the Hall. Angelina was striped with red and gold and Montague striped with green and silver. 

I walked over to the Slytherin table and filled my plate with sausage, eggs, and toast, pouring myself Pumpkin Juice and digging into my meal. 

As more people started to fill the Hall, I started to finish up, and by the time I finished I stood up from my chair and went to leave the Great Hall, but stopped in front of two people.

Harry was supporting Ronald as though he couldn't walk if he didn't, and Ronald was very pale and sick looking. They were matching in red and gold and I felt bad for Ronald, so I smiled at him. 

"Hello, Ronald." I greet, and he gives me a curt nod. "Good luck out there, yeah? Give me a challenge?"

That seemed to only make him more sick, and I nod at Harry, who hurriedly rushes him into the Great Hall. 

I walk out of the school and towards the Quidditch pitch, where some people were gathering around. I rushed to the locker rooms and shut my eyes when I walked in, not wishing to see the boys changing. 

I found my way to the broom closet easily, which I had converted into a changing room for myself, and changed into my Quidditch robes quickly, double checking every three minutes to make sure I locked the door and none of the boys would walk in. 

Once I finished, I grabbed my Firebolt and left the broom closet, entering the locker room once more and seeing only Malfoy and Crabbe. They both had silver badges in the shape of a crown on their robes, and I squinted my eyes suspiciously at it, but shrugged and went to walk out, but was summoned back.

"Oi, Knight!" I hear Malfoy call out, and I could hear the smirk in his tone. "Come here, will you?"

"You aren't naked, right?" I ask teasingly. "Because I have a boyfriend and I don't think your girlfriend would be too happy about that."

"No, I'm not naked." His smirk was no longer there. "Just come here."

I roll my eyes and walk towards him, both Crabbe and Malfoy standing there, and Malfoy's smirk reappeared when he saw me. 

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed. 

I was standing in front of him, arms crossed over my chest, and he pulled another badge out of his pocket, handing it to me, smirk larger than ever. 

I, reluctantly, took the crown shaped badge and read the words on the cover. 

Is Our King

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