Chapter Seventy Nine

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Everything was very messy.

We had finally returned back to Hogwarts, but right when we get back, Harry has to take Occlumency lessons with Snape, ten Death Eaters escape Azkaban, Broderick Bode is dead, and Voldemort is happy.

Hagrid's now on probation, and another Decree was passed stating teachers can not inform students of anything outside of things they're paid to teach. And, all Divination and Care for Magical Creatures lessons are now being monitored by Umbridge.

The stupid corridor keeps reappearing in my dreams, and that all happened throughout January and into February.

And now, it was Valentine's Day and the day of the Hogsmeade, but I would be spending it alone. Ronald has to attend all day Quidditch practice for the Gryffindor team, Hermione is meeting someone in Three Broomstick's, Harry's going on a date with Cho, Ginny's also got Quidditch practice all day, and I assume Blaise and Daphne will be going together.

However, I can not express my shock from the situation of when Daphne approached me later in the day.

"Hello, Lila." She greets as she sits down in the chair in front of me, and I look up at her, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "What're you doing?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I say quietly to her, putting my finger in between the pages of my book and setting down my quill. "You hate the library."

"Oh, yes, I most certainly do." Daphne agrees, nodding, and I roll my eyes. "But I need to talk to you."

"About?" I ask.

My temper had been rather short lately.

"Well, you have nothing to do for Valentine's Day." Daphne states. "Which is sad-"

"I have a boyfriend." I snap, irritated. "Just not something to do. I already told you-"

"Yes, yes, I know." Daphne interrupts, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, I thought it would be nice to ask if you wanted to join me, Blaise, Tori, and Malfoy in Three Broomstick's at Hogsmeade later today."

"Er... what?" I ask, shocked.

"It was going to be a double date, but we felt bad, so now it's just us hanging out as friends." Daphne tells me, smiling. "What do you say?"

"Oh, well-"

"Brilliant!" Daphne says loudly, grinning, earning glares from the people around us. "I'll see you later, then? One o'clock?"

"Daphne, wait-"

"All right, then, it's settled, one o'clock it is." Daphne nods, standing up with a large smile on her face as she starts to exit the library. "Bye!"

And before I could say anything else, she skipped away gracefully, leaving me alone in the library as I sighed to myself.

Eventually, I couldn't find it in myself to finish my revising for the day as I gave in and stood up, gathering my supplies as I trudged out of the library slowly, noticing how there was no one else in the library except for a few seventh years who really wished to pass their N.E.W.T.'s.

When I arrived in the girls' dormitory, there was no one in there, so I set my books down on my bed and walked to my closet, deciding to dress up in more than just the sweater Mrs. Weasley knit and a pair of blue jeans.

Instead, I decided to go with a white turtle neck, a short, black cardigan jacket on top with a black and grey plaid skirt, wearing my nice white sneakers and pulling my hair up into a nice ponytail.

I put on light makeup, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara, blush and concealer for the bags under my eyes (as usual), and lip gloss.

I grabbed my school bag with books in it, planning to just revise or read if I get bored, as I dragged myself down to the common room, realizing that everyone is probably waiting to go to Hogsmeade. Reluctantly, I brought myself to the Entrance Hall and saw Bletchley getting ready to set out to Hogsmeade as well, so I ran forward lightly and caught up beside him. When he felt my presence, he turned his head and gave me a small smirk, eyes shining.

All I Have LeftNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ