Chapter Thirty One

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Dear Jackson,

I am writing yet again. It is now day 1,916 since you left us. I just need to know, do you even feel the slightest bit guilty? The slightest bit of hatred for yourself? After all this time, you left me alone with no one to talk to besides myself. Why? What good did it do you?

My boggart is myself, being tortured. I didn't really fancy the sight of me squirming on the ground in pain and the sounds of my screaming filling up the room. Not very entertaining.

I also had another vision yesterday. It was one of the past. Mother and Father were approached by Voldemort, and Mother was pregnant with me. I already wrote to Mother telling her all about it. I still await a response from her. I still await a response from you. Five years and three months. I've waited for you to respond for five years and three months.

If you ever come home, just remember: I will wait for you. I am still waiting. Just something to think about.



I finish folding up the parchment and carefully put it in an envelope. I seal it with melted wax and hand it to Rea, who already knows who to give it to. She flies out the window gracefully and soars out of sight. I let out a long sigh and get dressed for breakfast.

I make my way down to the Great Hall and sit at the Slytherin table across from Blaise and Daphne. I put some pancakes in my plate and poured myself some Pumpkin Juice. I start to eat when Daphne finally notices me.

"Oh, Lila. What took you so long to get down here?" Daphne asks.

I look up at her with a face full of pancake and swallow it, trying not to talk with my mouth full. "I had to write a letter."

She nods and goes back to talking to Blaise, as I stuff my mouth some more. Malfoy then enters the Great Hall and walks over to our table. He looks at me for a moment before walking off in the other direction. I roll my eyes and Blaise and Daphne give me a weird look.

"What was that all about?" Blaise asks.

I shrug my shoulders and take a sip of Pumpkin Juice. "Just Malfoy being an ass. We got in a fight yesterday."

Daphne gives me a confused look and shakes her head.

"But you didn't leave your room all day after what happened in DADA." Blaise states, earning a nudge in the side from Daphne. I let out a small laugh and nod.

"Well, it didn't necessarily happen during the day. I went into the common room because I couldn't sleep and he came down as well. Then we just got into a fight and I stormed out of the room." I say. Daphne gives Blaise a smirk and he nods.

"Trouble in paradise?" Daphne asks. I roll my eyes and shake my head at her.

Her and Blaise snicker and I let out a small laugh. "No. We aren't dating Daphne, you know that. I don't like him like that. I barely even like him at all, for that matter."

She nods and gives Blaise an uncertain look, and he gives her a tight line for a smile. I look down at the watch on my wrist and my eyes go wide at the time.

"I promised Hermione I would study with her in the library. Bye." I tell them.

I take one more bite of the pancakes and wave off to them, exiting the Great Hall. They wave back and I run down to the common room as fast as I can.

I quickly say the password to enter and rush inside to the girls' dormitory. I gather up my books and homework and stuff them in my backpack. I sling it around my shoulder and run down the stairs, exiting the common room. I run all the way back up the stairs and down the corridors until I reach the library. I take a deep breath in and push open the door.

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