Chapter Sixty

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"May I have everyone's attention please." 

I sat next to Daphne and across from Blaise and Malfoy in the Slytherin common room, all of us playing Exploding Snaps. 

In the middle of the game, the portrait hole flung open and Professor Snape stormed inside, calling all of the fourth years and above into the common room for an announcement. 

"Now that everyone's here." He starts, sending a glare to Montague and Warrington in particular, who had spent thirty minutes getting here. "I have something to say to you all."

His cold, dark eyes grow even more stern, his glare venomous. He pulls a long piece of parchment out from his robe pocket and starts to read off of it.

"The Yule Ball is approaching- a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests." He repeats, sounding almost like a robot. "Now, the ball will only be open to fourth years and above, although you may invite a younger student if you wish-"

"What do you mean invite a younger student?" Tracey Davis, a fifth year, asks. 

"I am speaking!" Snape sneers, glaring at the student, making her hide her face from his view. "Dress robes will be worn, and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall.

"Now, the Yule Ball is a chance for us all to..." Snape sighs and rolls his dark eyes, making an uncomfortable face. "Let our hair down. Professor Dumbledore's words, not mine."

The girls in the common room started giggling like crazy, especially Daphne, who was practically exploding in her seat. Blaise, Malfoy, and I all gave her worried looks. 

"But that does not mean that we will be relaxing the behavior we expect from Hogwarts students." Snape states, his voice chilling. "It would be embarrassing if a member from our own house were to misbehave. A shame they would be, a disgrace to the Slytherin house."

Then the bell rang, meaning break was over, and everyone started to get up from their seats and exit the common room.

I slung my bag around my shoulder and started to walk out with Daphne, behind Malfoy and Blaise, but a cold hand with long fingernails clutches onto my forearm, making me turn around, my friends doing so as well.

"Miss Knight, a word." Snape drawls. 

I turn and see Daphne, Blaise, and Malfoy staring at me, frozen in their spots, and I nod.

"You lot go on without me." I say. "I'll meet up with you guys in a bit."

And with a final nod, they exit the common room, leaving just me and Professor Snape.

"Now, Knight, the champions and their partners-"

"Partners?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, and he sends me a glare.

"Don't mess around, Knight." He declares. "Your partners for the Yule Ball, your dance partners."

He said the sentence with a tone of discomfort, disgust, and I felt my inside curl up uncomfortably and churn in my stomach. 

"Dance partners?" I ask. "What are you going on about?"

"That is what I am getting to." He says menacingly. "Traditionally, the champions and their partners open the ball." 

I felt disgusted suddenly as well, the idea of having to dance in front of everyone with a partner, not sounding very pleasant.

"I don't want to open the ball." I state. "I don't want to dance with a partner."

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