Chapter Five

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I woke up earlier before everyone else, maybe around 5:30 in the morning. I got up off of the couch and dragged myself back into my bed in the first year dormitories. I got an hour more of sleep when I could feel Daphne shaking me awake.

"Lila, Lila!"

I groaned trying to push her away with my pillow.

"Go away." I groaned at her.

"No, we need to get to class!" Daphne responds, now trying to push me off my bed.

"Ok, ok. Just give me five more minutes." I respond looking at her with sleepy eyes as she shakes her head.

"No, no! Let's go, come on." She yells at me. I finally get out of bed and walk towards the closet to put my uniform on. When I finish dressing myself, Pansy and Millicent are awake.

"Ugh, you both are so annoying." Pansy whines. I roll my eyes while I brush my hair. "Like, seriously, you can't just be quiet so we can get more sleep?"

I wanted to cover my ears from her high-pitched scratchy whines. She made me want to cut off my ears. "I think you got enough sleep, hm?"

"It's not fair!" She complains, crossing her arms and pouring. At this point, even Daphne was annoyed by Pansy's complaining.

Once I finished doing my hair, I got out of the room as fast as I could. When I finally escaped Pansy's whining, I walked down the common room to get to breakfast. As I was leaving, Blaise caught up with me.

"Hey, where's Daphne?" He asks me. I look at the ground, but I could feel him staring at me with eager eyes.

"She's doing her hair and makeup in our dorm. She'll be a while." Blaise let's out a sigh. It was silent for a moment before he finally said something.

"Want to sit by me at breakfast, then?" He asks me. I look up at him with wide eyes. Sure, Blaise and I have talked before, but we were never really friends. Maybe being at Hogwarts would change that. Maybe I could get to know Blaise.

"Um, sure. Yeah, I would like that." I tell him. He grins and nods his head, looking back at the ground. We made our way at the Great Hall and took our seats.

The table was full of breakfast foods, just like it was yesterday. I got some pancakes and put them in my plate, along with some toast. Blaise grabbed plenty of food, like he was eating for two. He filled his plate of pancakes, French toast, waffles, eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Wow, Blaise. You sure you're going to be able to eat all of that?" I ask him jokingly. He chuckles and starts to shove his face of food.

"Yeah, probably. It's nothing I've never had before, you know?"

I nod distractedly, recalling all of the feasts and generous meals I'd grown up having. A sudden wave of homesickness crashed over me, a yearning for the meals from home and the hugs my parents gave me. With a frown, I continued to eat my meal, my mind wandering elsewhere as the seats around me and Blaise filled up and he partook in a conversation with someone else.

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