Chapter Nine

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It was the day before Christmas holiday. I wasn't going home this year, and neither were Harry or Ronald. Harry didn't want to go home to the Dursley's, so Ronald decided to stay with him. Ronald's parents also went to visit his brother Charlie in Romania. I would've gone home to my parents, but Father insisted I stay to get more homework done. I was disappointed, but Father promised to send gifts to the common room, as did Mother.

Everyone in Slytherin besides me and some fifth year went home for Christmas. Me and this fifth year did not want to cross paths, so we avoided talking to each other. I sat by Harry and Ronald at meals, and we went to the library together almost everyday. We would look for books on Nicholas Flammel, do homework, play wizard chess, and just talk. It was amazing so far.


I woke up Christmas morning in my empty dorm, snow falling down outside. I got out of bed and quickly changed into one of my fancy black dresses. I did my hair in a bun leaving the two strands of hair down. I put on a comfortable pair of sneakers and went down to the common room.

When I entered, I saw the Christmas tree right in the corner of the room. Underneath, there were tons of presents. I ran over to the tree and kneeled on the ground to start opening presents. When I was looking for the presents that said my name, the fifth year came down the stairs.

"Happy Christmas." She says while rubbing her eyes. I could tell she just woke up because she was yawning and was still in her pajamas.

"Happy Christmas!" I say excitedly. She walks over towards me and the tree and kneels down next to me. She starts looking for her presents when I see one that had a different name on it.

Lauren Williams

"Hey, is this yours?" I ask the girl, holding out the present. She looks at the name tag and then nods, taking the present from me. She unwraps the present and inside was a nice pair of earrings. I look at her face and she scoffs, setting the present down.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. She looks at me with a disappointed face, but then quickly shakes it off.

"It's my stupid parents. They tell me to stay here for Christmas, but then send me these earrings as an apology. They've done this since I started at Hogwarts, like they're eager to get rid of me." She looks at the ground and scoffs again. "I've spent Christmas alone for two years. My older sister went to Hogwarts, but then she graduated. They did the same thing to her.They think material objects make up for it, but it doesn't."

She stands up, holding all of her presents in her arms.

"Where are you going?" I ask her. She looks back at me.

"To my dorm." She responds coldly, walking off.

Great, opening presents alone.

I grab my first present from Mother and start to open it. Inside is another fancy black dress, one very similar to all of my other ones. I set it aside and go to the next present from Father. Inside was a gold bracelet with words engraved.

Lila Priscilla Knight

I put the bracelet on my right wrist and open the next present. It's from Mother. Inside is a long, red dress. The dress was sleeveless, and it had a gold belt for around the waist. It was made from a sheer fabric that reached an inch above the ground. It was tight above the belt, but flowy below. I look inside of the box and see a card. I immediately grab it and start to read.


You're coming home for Christmas tonight. There's a ball and you are expected to attend. It's important for business. Get on the train after you open all of your presents and eat breakfast. I expect you home by three in the afternoon.

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