Chapter Seventy Seven

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Hermione eventually had given me her birthday present, which was a book charm, and I clipped it onto my charm bracelet, admiring my lovely collection of five charms total. 

Professor Umbridge was definitely very angry about the Slytherin party, and let it slide- us being Slytherins and all- but did give us all scowls during dinner.

The events that had happened that day were still quite blurry, and I do not recall anything, nor does anyone else, really. 

But, two weeks had passed and nothing interesting had happened, except two D.A. meetings that went well, spending much time in the library- revising, of course-, and Ronald's invitation to spend the holiday with his family. 

But that invite was quickly followed with a "Harry's coming too, so it'll be great". When I asked about Hermione, he told me with quite a noticeable frown that she was going skiing with her family. He seemed quite... disappointed. 

This was the last D.A. meeting until after break, since almost everyone was going home for holiday. 

Harry and I stood awkwardly in front of everyone, as usual, but were definitely more confident about teaching a whole group of people. 

"Okay." I start, smiling as everyone found their seats. "Well, hello. So Harry and I thought that this meeting should just be spent going over the things we've done so far, since it's the last meeting before break and it would be pointless to start something new, and you'll probably forget it over the three week break-"

"We're not doing anything new?" Zacharias Smith asks in a loud whisper, and I sighed. "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come..."

"We're all really sorry Lila ad Harry didn't tell you, then." Fred says loudly.

"We can practice in pairs." Harry continues, a small smile on his face as he looked away from where Cho Chang was laughing, and I smirked to myself. "We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, just for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again."

Ronald went and partnered up with Neville, still refusing to partner up with me and always so upset when I partnered up with Hermione, and Harry walked around the room as me and Hermione practiced a few times, before we switched and he practiced with Hermione while I walked around the room. 

Then, after ten minutes, we laid out the cushions and split up the group, there not being enough room for us all to practice Stunning each other at the same time. 

Neville had managed to stun Padma instead of Dean, which was still tremendous progress, for he finally stunned someone, and it seemed everyone was making progress.

I practiced with Hermione for a while before she went off and practiced with Ronald, and I frowned, walking over to where Harry was observing everyone and congratulating them.

"Hello." I greet grumpily, and he turns his head towards me. 

"Hey, Lila." He says back, knitting his eyebrows in confusion as he studies my face. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing, just something stupid, that's all." I grumble lowly, turning towards him and sighing. "Want to go practice with someone while I observe?"

"I would, but there's no one without a partner." He states, shrugging, before glancing at me. "Unless you want to practice?"

"Why? Neither of us really need help with this." I tell him, smirking proudly. "We could both Stun each other easily..."

"Well, then let's duel." He shrugs, starting to grin, and making his voice sound very posh-like. "Unless you're afraid, Madam Knight?"

"Afraid? Why, I never! I'm insulted you'd even think of me that way!" I say in fake offense, my voice mocking the same posh accent, my left hand over my heart jokingly. "You are on, Sir Potter!"

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