Chapter Forty Five

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I take a sharp inhale and stare at the large Quidditch pitch in front of me, gulping nervously as nerves devour at my mind as the smell of the dew on the grass fills my nostrils.

The crowd was slowly filling with people, students walking past me greeting me with good luck. I sigh and walk out to the Slytherin locker rooms, closing my eyes as I push the door open and am greeted by frustrated yells.

I walk to my locker and stare at it and it only, taking out my Quidditch uniform and sprinting to the brooms closet, since there's no girls' locker room.

I quickly get dressed and exit the locker room when I'm sure no one is still in there. I look at one of the mirrors to see large number 10 on the back with the word KNIGHT printed in large silver font above. On the front is the Slytherin crest, the whole robe green.

I grab my broom from my locker and exit the locker rooms, only to be greeted by many students in the stands, more students in the Ravenclaw ones than the Slytherin's, causing me to slightly frown.

I walk over to my team while I listen to Lee Jordan's commentary, always causing me to laugh.

"And here comes the Slytherin team, led by Captain Flint. He's made some changes in the lineup and seems to be going for size rather than skill-"

"Jordan!" McGonagall exclaims, giving him a glare as he shrugs and turns his attention back to the pitch. The Slytherin Quidditch team gathers around in a huddle, Flint smirking devilishly.

"Ok, now we want to knock them off their brooms, score as many goals as we can so we have plenty of points for when Malfoy catches the snitch." He announces to the team, then glances at Malfoy seriously. "You better catch the snitch, or I'll murder you with my bare hands. I refuse to lose to Ravenclaw."

We all nod and mount our brooms, heading off into the sky and hovering across from our opposing team. Madam Hooch flies in between the middle of us, Flint and Davies shaking hands, as she lets the snitch out into the air along with the Bludgers.

"Now I want a clean game, no penalties, no cheating." She looks directly at Flint, who just shrugs in response.

She centers the Quaffle in between Flint and Davies, Bletchley and Page both in blocking the goalposts, and she throws it in the air, Flint shoving Davies a little to reach the Quaffle, before grabbing it and soaring towards the hoop, me slightly ahead of him, along with Montague.

"Oh, and Flint has the Quaffle, but Burrow and Stretton are on either side of him. Get him, Ravens!" Lee yells, McGonagall glaring at him.

"Sorry, sorry. Flint won't be able to make it, he's searching, searching... Come on, airhead! Do you not see the other two Chasers you can pass it to?!" Lee exclaims into the microphone.


"My apologies, Professor McGonagall, but I'm getting a little carried away here. Oh, and Flint passes it to Knight, Slytherin teams newest addition, surprisingly a girl, with how sexist the Slytherin men are-"


"She soars towards the goalposts, she won't make it, she won't make it!"

"And she dodges a Bludger! She doesn't have enough room to shoot, she doesn't! Davies and Stretton are cornering her... And she passes it to Montague! He's flying really fast, Ravens! He dodges a Bludger. Come on, Samuels, you can aim better than that!"

"Jordan, enough!"

"Again, I'm sorry. And Montague scores! Slytherin 10, Ravenclaw 0. Come on, Page, I thought you were a Keeper for Ravenclaw?" Lee announces disappointedly.

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