I. A new Beginning.

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"If anyone wants to add to this, you surely can. I want us to get this project very badly, If we get this, it'll be our biggest project in Paris. I want all of you to put your creativity and talents into working towards our success. I hope this meeting helped you understand the motto and I look forward to seeing your ideas" I watched Zephyr speak with authority and competence, his whole demeanor screaming Power and Confidence, I couldn't help but admire the man standing before me, his dark blue suit crisp and perfect, the ambitious look on his face and the admiration for his team in his green eyes was enough to show me how much he loves his work.

As if sensing my eyes, he looked at me, a gentle look crossed his previously stern features. His green eyes glimmered and a small smile tugged his lips only for me to see as he quickly looked away before anyone saw it. A smile crept my face, watching his cute behavior.

This is Zephyr King, a cold, ruthless man who believes his work defines him, but inside he has a warm and loving heart that the world cannot see.

"Yes, sir" I heard collective responses from the staff seated around the large oval mahogany table. I was seated in the corner of the room making notes on all the important points we had discussed during the meeting. Zephyr is planning on getting the tender to design and construct the new hotel for the Fleur d'Or chain of hotels, if we managed to get this, it'll increase our success rate and popularity since it's only been two years since, our company has been opened in Paris.

I held my head down as I continued to work on the notes, sounds of chairs scraping across the tiles were heard followed by many footsteps leaving the room soon the room went back to its silence giving some peace except for the pair of eyes boring holes into my head.

I pretended not to mind him and continued with my work. I noticed his polished back leather shoes from the corner of my eyes, as he stood in front of me. "Looks like you're more interested in work than me." he stated bemused.

I let out a chuckle and closed the notepad before looking up at him. He was studying me with a frown. Someone doesn't like to be ignored.

"I was just sorting out the notes, nothing else besides you were busy," I said while standing up from the chair and removing the creases from my grey pencil skirt.

"Now I'm free for Ma Cherie." He grinned widely, as he held my right arm pulling me towards him. A squeal left my mouth as I landed on his chest, his hands rested on my waist as he held me closer to him. I lightly pushed him in the chest as I craned my neck up to glare at him trying to look stern but the red tinge taking over my cheeks would've given it away "We're at work" I muttered seriously to which he simply smirked and quickly pecked my lips. The creases between my brows and the small pout on my lips immediately vanished as I turned into a tomato.

This is what he does to me, those small pecks are enough to make me lose my sanity, and he knows it well. It's been a week since he asked me to be his girlfriend. That was the best day of my life, the whole day I couldn't keep myself from squealing like a mad girl.

We act professionally around others but when we're alone; he acts so cute and caring, like a puppy. If he gets to know I called him a puppy, he'll kill me for sure. He hates it when I call him that.

"Earth to Athena" his voice brought me out of my trance. I gazed at him through raised eyebrows "Were you saying something?" I asked.

"Nothing, you looked deep in thought, so I called you. What were you thinking?" He asked, his eyes shining curiously. "I was thinking about what to do today" I stated with a shrug, and a small smile it was partly true. I really had no idea what to do today.

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