XXXIV: I want you!

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I stood in front of Zephyr's home office,  I knew he was inside because I could see the lights coming from it. Raising my hand I was about to knock on the door when I suddenly opened and Zephyr looked at me with a puzzled face, he was wearing his glasses and I found that really attractive about him.

I brought my hand back and moved my eyes from his piercing ones, heat creeping up my neck slowly but surely. "Umm I wanted to talk about something."

He nodded and moved away from the door to let me in. I walked inside hearing him close the door behind. My eyes scanned his room which had many files and papers scattered on the table, he was overworking himself again, I swear this man never cares about himself.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asks going over to his desk and arranged the files neatly while I was shamelessly enjoying the sight in front of my eyes. Focus Athena! 

I cleared my throat and took the letters out of my pocket and extended it to him. He frowned looking at my hand and rose an eyebrow. Without asking any question he grabbed it from my hand and unfolded it, his face turned stern as he read it.

I watched as he clenched his jaw so tightly that I was afraid it might break, he was beyond furious, the grip on the paper and his face said that he's going to kill someone and I'm sure that'll be Eric. His feral eyes met mine making my heart thump faster "When did you get this?" he was on the verge of losing his control but I know he was holding back because I was there.

"While coming back from college and the other one on the day you came back," I spoke lowly, playing with the end of my T shirt. His nostrils flared and the nerve near his forehead was popped. If it was months back I would've ran away after seeing his anger but now I trusted him that he'll never raise his hand on me. And that's proved because the next moment he pulled me to him and wrapped his arms tightly around me while nuzzling his face into my neck.  

"I will always protect you Athena, please trust me." he mumbled, I rubbed my hand on his back and nodded into his chest "I trust you Zephyr more than anyone,"

"That's all I want,"

We stayed like that for a moment and I pulled away, he ran a hand through his head and took his phone out to make a call, I sat on the sofa and somewhere while watching him go around talking to someone over the phone I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes I found myself on the bed, Zephyr might've brought me here, I looked beside me and frowned when I didn't find him. I removed the sheets and climbed off the bed, slipping into my slippers I went out of the room in search of him. I noticed him standing outside in the patio looking lost in thoughts. The sky looked dark and angry, ready to take its anger at any moment.

I stepped out and stood beside him, "Sorry I slept,"

"It's alright, I suppose you needed it because of all the stress you've been going through,"

"I can tell the same about you too mister, you barely get any rest. Look you started to get dark circles,"

"I'm completely fine," he said stubbornly and looked ahead. The sky light up brightly by the lightning followed by the thunderclap, within moment's the rain started pouring. "Come let's get back in," he pulled me back inside.

"No I wanna play in the rain," I laugh and close my eyes standing under the rain.

"Athena, you'd catch a cold." his concerned voice rang behind as I ignored him and continued to play in the rain, I didn't care if I catch a cold, I was enjoying this. The rain droplets slid down my hair and skin, slowly drenching me but I didn't stop. I turned around saw Zephyr still standing near the door frowning at me,

Flaming Hearts ( Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin