XVII: Fallen!

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(Not edited, ignore the typos and mistake I'll edit it later)


"I didn't mean to leave you that day." Killian stated solemnly as he gazed intently into my eyes. I resisted the urge to scoff,

"I got a call in the morning. It was from the hospital saying told that my mother was in an accident." I watched a tear roll down his cheek, my heart clenched in pain. I couldn't believe what he was saying. I pushed my anger aside and held his hand, stroking it gently with my thumb.

"I immediately went there and got to know my mother fell from the stairs and injured her head heavily and was in coma state. I was in such distress that I didn't eat or sleep. Everyday I waited in front of her hoping she'll open her eyes but she didn't. On top of that I had to take care of my company, I was caught up all the problems that I never got time to call you." he explained

"But you could've at least informed me later why go away for five years? Why?" I questioned, his explanation doesn't answer why he it took him five years to find me.

"That's where my father plays. I never knew he could stoop so low, he was a fucking gold digger, He wanted the company all to himself and to get it under his name he tried to kill my mother. He thought he'd get everything he wanted but little did he know my mother wrote all her assets and company under my name leaving nothing for him."

"a..and the accident?" I asked in shock, my mind still couldn't digest the things he said.

"He pushed her from the top of the stairs." He replied clenching his jaw, his eyes burning with anger.

"I appointed a private investigator and found all his dirty works. I can't believe he's my father."

"He got to know about my mother's will and his next target was me, I was trying to figure out a plan to lock him behind the bars forever but then he threatened me saying that he'll kill you. I had no choice but to listen to him, I couldn't let him hurt you, I love you Emma and I can't afford to lose you so I had to stay away from you and cut all ties. I had to do it to make my plan work, unfortunately it took my five years to get that sperm donor to jail. Now he's locked behind the bars and can't do anything." I staggered a bit, I didn't speak anything, I wasn't expecting to hear this, tears were rolling down my cheeks as I cried silently. I don't know what to say.

"I..I'm sorry you had to wait for me for so long, I know you hate me for doing this and you don't love me anymore but I'll always love you Emma." He hugged me tightly mumbling into my hair,

"I don't hate you Killian, I can never ever hate you but I was angry or more like disappointed in you all this while. You could've gave me some kind of message instead of keeping me in the dark." I say grabbing his shoulder peering into his eyes. I saw relief flood over his face hearing my words then next thing I Know I'm again crushed in his arms.

"I'm sorry I'm really sorry. Please forgive me Emma, I know we won't get the lost time back but can we please start over. A new life, a new beginning?" He asked me with hopeful eyes, I averted my gaze, clenching my fists beside me I'm gonna regret saying this.

"I forgive you Killian but I don't think we can be together as how we used to be."

He didn't speak for a moment and let out a dejected sigh, his expression gloomy and sad.

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