Flaming Hearts

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This is the sequel to Fire and Flames. Kindly read the first book before proceeding to this one or else it won't make any sense.

This book is going to be more complicated than the previous. I hope you guys enjoy it like the previous one. 😇💝

Athena and Zephyr has to face a lot of troubles in their future, there's a mysterious person who's keen to make their life a living hell but will their trust and love help save them or will they end up getting hurt in the end?

Points to remember before reading this book.

1. I haven't done any proof reading so please excuse any grammatical mistakes, punctuation, etc etc. You are welcome to point out my mistakes, That'll be easier for me to improve my writing but please NO OFFENSIVE COMMENTS such as 'your writing sucks', 'This book is boring' etc

If you have a problem with it then leave, don't go spreading hate!

2. I do not tolerate people stealing my work, if you need help with writing ask me but don't go copying it. It's a criminal offense.

3.This story is my own work of fiction, if you find any similar books that's not my fault.

4.The characters, places and scenes are purely fictional. Any similarities to living or dead is coincidental.

5. This book contains few mature scenes which are not for little kiddos below 17. I will be giving warning before any mature scenes so that you can skip it and enjoy the rest of the story. 😇

6.Last but not the least, I hope you enjoy this book and shower some love by voting, commenting and sharing. ❤😊


I still haven't decided when I'll update but I'll try to post weekly twice 😇😊

Thank for reading


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