V: My heaven!

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Unedited and Hella confusing chapter ahead, I'll probably rewrite it in the future but I'm posting it cause I don't want to keep you guy's waiting. 😇


"WHAT!! That jackass whom I call my brother did that!" Emma exclaimed almost spitting her frappuccino earing few glares from the people who were seated in the cafe.

We we're seated in starbucks right now, taking a break after a tiering journey of going shop to shop ogling over all of the beautiful dresses, Emma even bought some for her but I decided not to spend my money unnecessarily on it besides I've got enough clothes and I'm happy with it.

I was narrating Zephyr and my not so lovey dovey story to her and she can't stop herself from rolling on the floor and at the same time wanting to murder him for the behaving like a rude ass to me.

I nodded my head, a small smiled played on my lips as I recalled about Zephyr begging me to forgive him. That surely was a sight to see.

"Oh Lord, that boy surely has a personality disorder!" Emma mumbled to herself and took a sip of her frappe.

"I'm glad you decided to give him a chance!" she stated gazing into my eyes with an unknown look that I couldn't decipher.

"Why'd you say that?"

She turned her head, letting out a deep sigh "He went through a lot in his life!"

My eyebrows shot up at her words, What did he go through? Now I really want to know about his past. Her eyes snapped back to mine, various emotions clouded over her blue eyes "He wasn't always like this Athena, he used smile and talk like any normal person but all changed because of one incident."

"What Incident?"

She gave me a half smile "It's not my place to say it, I'm sure Zephyr will tell you one day. You're helping him come out of his darkness."

I was at a loss of words "I..I don't think so, he's just attracted to me and probably doing this because of his guilt." I uttered the last words with a heavy heart, the chances may be true, he could be doing this because of guilt and remorse for hurting me or he must truly like me. I've prepared my heart to accept either of it, He's like a book full of mysteries, written with invisible magic ink which can only be revealed with a developer and I intend to be that. I want to know who he truly is.

"You have no idea how he looks at you, he truly adores you Athena and I know you love him too just be patient with him, If he loves someone he won't even think for a moment to give his life."

I averted my eyes to my hands resting on my lap He adores me Should I really believe it? Oh God, what am I going through? I closed my eyes bringing back all my memories with him, how he went from a coldhearted monster to a man whos trying to change into a gentleman just for a girl.

I heard a phone ring but it wasn't mine, I glanced at Emma who fished her phone out of her bag and watched as her face contour into a smug look when she glanced at caller ID.

"Who is it?" I asked, she turned to me, her lips curled up into a grin "It's your Zephy!" she coed, with a wink making my eyebrows shot up in surprise and also embarrassment. Speak of the devil!

She answered the call bringing it up to her ear "Wassup bro, if you want to check on your Queen, let me tell you she's sitting here happily without having your annoying presence to bother her."

I mentally face palmed at what she told him, I'm sure he's fuming right now. I can hear his deep voice in the other end but it wasn't clear, however I can say he is angry.

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