XIV: Besties!

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"Because you are the queen of my heart!"

His tender words kept ringing in my mind, I was at loss of words when he said that. How could a man who used to hate me to the core turn out to be such a sweet man? He was making me fall for him everyday. I smiled and sipped latte while waiting for my friends to arrive.

I was seated at a small Cafe where we used to hang out back in our school days during weekends. I loved the bagels that they make over here. Zephyr dropped me here few minutes ago and left for his office saying he had some work to clear out and then he'll come back to join me.

I heard the wind chimes ring indicating someone walked in, I turned towards the door, my lips curled into a bright smile when I saw Kyle. He was tall and had a lean body, his brown hair was now coloured pink, gosh this boy would never stop experimenting with his hair.

His hazel eyes scanned the room before settling on me, I watched his face contour into surprise before grinning like a maniac and dashed towards me. I got up from the seat and he surprised me with a bear hug. He lifted me off the floor in his tight grip "ATHI!!" He squealed in a girly voice.

"KYLIE!!" I squealed back and he abruptly dropped me making me stumble a bit, I moved my head up and found him wearing an annoyed expression with his lower lip jutting out.

"Not that nick name!" He whined,

"Why? don't you know I love calling you that?" I say attempting to pull his cheeks to which he moved back.

"Not in public!" he said in hushed tone while looking around.

I chuckled "Okay!"

We sat down and he gave his orders before turning to me "How are you sis?" he asked.

"Life's been never great!" I say with a light chuckle, I wasn't lying being with Zephyr drastically changed my life, it was as if I was destined to meet him.

"I can see that you're all smiles!" yeah and the reason behind my smile is Zephyr. "Is that love sick eyes I see!" He states with a mischievous grin.

"Wh.What no!"I wave him off " I just thinking about how long it's been since we last met."

"yeah and I surely won't buy that explanation." He rolled his eyes.

"How did you know I'm here in New York?"

"Your brothers informed me!"

"I knew they can't hide it!" I grumbled under my breath.

"Leave them from this, I'm glad they informed us!"


"Oye Derek C'mere bro!"

I turned and saw Derek looking as handsome as usual in his dark denim jeans, grey T-shirt and a black bomber but not as much as Zephyr, that man is the epitome of perfection. Behind Derek was Logan, he looked a bit more muscular than I last saw him, his black hair was slightly untamed, his blue eyes hiding behind a pair of glasses and he had they same neutral face as always. He was dressed in plain black jeans and a grey shirt but even he'd surly turn many heads towards his way.

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