XXII: Ice Skating!

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(a filler chapter, I forgot to save the first draft and forgot half of the stuff I wrote 😭)


Days roll by within a blink of an eye and tomorrow we'll be leaving for Paris. I wasn't thrilled to leave but neither was I sad, just disappointed about all that happened with my father. There were times I tried to contact him in the last two days but I left that thought, not having the courage to do it and I didn't want to expect another rejection.

I lost myself in thoughts while I absentmindedly stirred the coffee. Wish I could change it but it's better to leave it that way.

I jumped in fright when I felt someone hold my waist, I quickly turned around and was met with the concerned face of my boyfriend. "W..what happened?" I stuttered in confusion.

His brows puled together, his eyes showing surprise, "I've been calling you for over a minute!"

"Really? I..I might've not listened." I say looking away as I tried to recall when he called me. I might've been oblivious. He held my shoulders making me meet his eyes.

"What is going on Athena? You've been spacing out a lot lately since you returned back from your house. I'm not an Idiot and I know this has to do with something that happed back at your house." his voice was stern lacking the usual softness with how he used to speak to me.

I drew in a breath, "It's nothing Zephyr, I'm just exhausted!" mentally!

"If you don't wanna say then fine but take care of yourself." he whisper dejectedly and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear his fingers lingering on my skin making me lean into his touch "You can go home if you're not feeling well."

"I'm completely alright Zephyr and I can work just fine!" I say exasperatedly and strode towards my cabin before sitting on my chair. Did I overreact? yes I did, I shouldn't have yelled at him. He was only concerned about me! God what have I done?


The whole day it was awkward facing zephyr, he didn't even talk to me or even spared a glance. Now I feel like a terrible girlfriend for making her lover hurt. We were seated in his car, going back to his and the ride was silent. The soft music from the radio played in the background but it wasn't enough to clear the tense atmosphere enveloping us. It was suffocating and I wanted to escape.

"Zephyr!" I softly call out glancing at him, his jaw was set and his eyes focused steely ahead. He looked pissed for some reason, probably because of me.

"Hmm!" he hummed, at least he's responding.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. I shouldn't have done that!" I apologise in embarrassment,

"I already forgot about it Cherie you don't have to bring it up again. I can understand!" he says gently, I stare at him in disbelief "Y.you do? then why weren't you talking to me?"

"I thought you needed some space!" he shrugs. I scoff and punch his shoulder lightly "No you dumbass, you scared me, I thought I pissed you off."

He lets out a throaty chuckle "No you didn't!"

"Then what's with that moody face?"

"You may or may not like this." his tone dropped an octave.


"We're not going to Paris tomorrow."

I blinked my eyes rapidly not registering his words "What?"

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