XXXVIII: Escape!

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(Lot of cursing, and triggering content in this chapter so proceed with caution my luvs)


I tried to open my eyes but it felt like they were made of lead. My body felt stiff and numb as I tried to control it. Come on damn it! After what felt like ages I managed to open my eyes, squinting slightly to adjust to the lighting around around. I groaned in pain, my head felt heavy and painful as if someone tried to rip my skull open.


What happened to me?

My eyes darted around the room cautiously, I was in a plain grey room with no furniture's or windows except for a tattered door at the corner. I tried to get up but something pulled me down, I realised I was tied to a wooden chair, my hands and legs were bound by ropes.

Slowing I start remembering what happened.

Café, Car Puncture, Eric, Him hitting my head.

My forehead stung, I'll freaking kill that son of _ "You're awake," I glared at him, Bitch!

I clenched my jaw and fisted my hand "This was such a low move Eric! You're going to be in deep trouble."

He had the audacity to smirk and brought a chair before sitting across me with a smug look on his face. "As if I care darling,"

I scoffed, "You don't have to do this, we can talk over this like mature adults."

"Talk over what? Like how my Sarah was killed by your psycho boyfriend?"

"That's not the truth, you're having a misunderstanding!"

"It is the damn truth! He's been lying to you all the while,"

"No he wasn't, Sariah was never killed she suicided because you! You are the psychopath here!"

My head turned to the right as I felt a sharp stinging sensation on my left cheek, "Shut up B***h!" he growled and then fisted my hair painfully, my scalp burned "One more word I won't hesitate to kill you even though you are innocent,"

"This won't change the fact that you are a murderer and abuser! I am glad she decided to leave you!" That's the last thing I say when I'm again enveloped into darkness.

3rd POV

Eric watched her with predatory eyes, his breathing ragged as he tried to control his beast within him, if it was anyone else he would've killed without a second thought but he needed to keep her alive to get to Zephyr. He's his target not the frail girl who was knocked out in front of him.

Grunting, he stood up dusting his crisp all back suit and shoved the injection into his suit pocket before leaving the room. It seemed like he injected some kind of drugs into her body to sedate her for few hours.

He shut the door and walked out, giving a look at the tall man who stood beside, guarding the door. "Keep an eye on her," he ordered and walked away.

Meanwhile in Zephyr's office,

"That b***ard had the nerve to end the call without answering me!" Zephyr screamed in anger, slamming his fists onto his desk, making all the contents over it topple over. "How could I let my guard down knowing he was still out there?" Zephyr expressed his agitation, running his hand through his untamed hair, while pacing around his office.

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