XVIII: In love with you!

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How could someone look so angelic and perfect even while asleep, with very messy hair. I woke up I middle of the night and did the only thing I could do, stare at Athena! It was difficult to fall asleep, my heart was racing at the new found emotion. It's been three days since the club night, I was excited and nervous at the same time knowing I love her. I finally admit it!

I watched her long lashes bushed against her cheekbones as she took in soft breath, her plump pink lips looked so inviting. I cupped her soft cheeks stroking it gently with the pad of my thumb I almost moaned feeling the silky texture of her skin. I watched her brows pull together as she stirred a bit. I paused and continued to stare at her. Never have I imagined something as simple as looking at a person would make me content and happy. I could look at her all day and never get bored. 

Waking up to the sight of her sleeping in my arms is such a blessing that I'd never want to lose.

Is this what loves makes us do? Then I don't regret falling in love.

Love, a word so foreign to me, I never believed in love nether did I think I was I capable of loving someone. All my life I kept my emotions locked up, I never smiled and even rarely spoke, hence getting a name for being the cold devil. 

But look what you did to me Athena? You melted my cold heart, you made me feel warm. I love you so much! I pulled her tighter to me and kissed her soft lips. "I love you!" I mumbled against her lips; my lips curled into a bright smile. It felt so nice to say that aloud. Wow!

I sound like a lovesick teenager. Wish I met you soon angel so that I could've spent more time with you and learnt more things about being in love. She squirmed in my arms and wrapped her arms around me while throwing her left leg over my legs and buried her face into the crook of my neck and let out a sigh. I grinned at her adorable antics and rubbed her hair. My queen!

I gazed at her for a while and fell asleep holding her closer to me, her sweet cherry scent enveloping me.


Slowly peeling my eyes open, I squinted a bit as the bright rays of the rising sun fell on my eyes. I felt a weight around my waist, moving my eyes downward I saw an arm tightly wrapped around me keeping me flush against a naked chiseled torso.

Heat rose to my cheeks recalling how he cuddled into me like a baby, who knew the cold ass man loves to cuddle.  I turned around slowly not wanting to wake him and rested my head on my elbow as I stared at him like a creep (not the Edward from twilight kind of staring)

I moved his hair away from his forehead giving me a more clearer view of his face. He looked peaceful in his sleep and the usual frown between his thick eyebrows weren't present making him less intimidating. I traced my fingers tips over his eyebrows, lingering over the small scar above his right brow. It is almost invisible but since I'm close to him, I can see it clearly. I wonder how he got it.

I trailed down to touch his prominent cheekbones, he always managed to take my breath away with his stunning otherworldly features. God surely took his sweet time while creating him. Not just in looks but also his character. He is different from all the men I've seen, Zephyr is never the one  to play around, his passion to work and achieve brought him to this level. Although he does have few character flaws I love him just the way he is and I don't want him to change.

I might've wanted him to change in the beginning but now I've realised I love him for who he is, my devil, my zephyr, he managed to make me fall for him with just a glance and his domineering personality. I smiled to myself recalling how we used to quarrel like kindergarten kids.

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