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- Soyeon's POV -

TJ was still out cold when Namjoon and I got to the warehouse the next morning. Hwan, Dae-Jung, and a very badly beaten Kevin came by too, buying their coke from Namjoon. While they weren't paying attention, Namjoon slipped me a track that I stuck under Hwan's car. 

After that, I stood next to him like nothing happened. Hwan refuses to so much as look at me. They all do. But I'm not the one they're afraid of. Not entirely at least. The three of them left, now all there was to do was wait for Yoongi. 

Me: I don't like them. 

Namjoon: *chuckling* Couldn't tell. 

Me: I'm serious. Hwan is up to something. 

Namjoon: And how do you know that? Because you don't like him? 

Me: Because of how shifty him and Joohyun were acting last night. 

Namjoon: Another person you don't like. 

Me: If you think I'm just being bitter why'd you give me the tracker? 

Namjoon: Because I don't think you're just being bitter. I trust you and your gut, even if it might be far fetched. 

Me: Far fetched? 

Namjoon: Look, right now, our biggest problem isn't Hwan. It's Sungwoo and trying to get things running again with J running around. 

Me: Sungwoo and Joohyun are connected. By blood. And Hwan is connected to them. Whatever Sungwoo is up to, he's apart of the problem. 

A loud, hung over groan echoed from the warehouse. He's awake. Namjoon raised his eyebrows and laughed at me, rolling my eyes and going inside. He shooked his head, still laughing as I walked away. 

I know I'm not exactly a super model myself, but dang...TJ looked...rough to be nice. When I opened the door, he spat at me. He missed, but wow, rude. I stepped back in digust and leaned on the doorway. 

TJ: You fucking bitch. 

Me: Didn't your parents warn you about talking to strangers? 

TJ: Let me the FUCK OUT OF HERE!

Namjoon: Well that's not very nice. 

Taking off his suit jacket, tie, and button down, Namjoon stood with me in the door way, undressing until he was in only his white tank top underneath, then pulled black gloves from his pockets to wear. 

I mean...right? 

Namjoon: What a situation you find yourself in. At least you still got to wake up to Robin, over here. 

Me: You're not funny. 

Namjoon: I'm kinda funny. But not as funny as the predicament we're in. Look at us. All rather be anywhere but here. I had plans today, did you have plans today, Robin? 

Me: A few. 

Namjoon: And you had plans too, TJ. In fact, you had several plans. Including one to kill us. 

TJ: ...

Namjoon: Come on. I did find a yacht outside of Malibu by chance. Someone gave you instructions. Locations. 

TJ: I'm not going to tell you shit. 

Yoongi: If you don't talk we both know how this ends. 

Carefully walking past me, Yoongi came in with a duffle bag, dropping it at the door and putting on his own pair of gloves over his already bruised and busted knuckles. But unlike Namjoon, he didn't strip down. He didn't care to. 

And with Yoongi came in Joohyun and TJ's face fell. I tried eyeing Namjoon but it didn't seem like we were picking up the same thing. Then TJ started begging to be let go, resting his head on Namjoon in tears. 

TJ: Please. Come on, man. You know I can't do that. I don't wanna rat. 

Namjoon didn't command anything. Yoongi simply walked behind TJ and held him back for Namjoon to bring his fist down roughly on his face. The blow was strong enough for even Yoongi to lose drip and drop TJ on his side. 

Yoongi: Don't tease me, baby. 

Joohyun: Just tell us who you work for. 

He glared at her over his broken nose. He spit out blood that accidentally landed on Yoongi's shoes, earning him a right foot to the face. He groaned loudly and it was starting to get harder and harder for me to watch. 

Namjoon: TJ...you're loyal to the wrong people. They put you on a suicide mission with the wrong motherfuckers. And you knew it was a bad idea too, you couldn't even carry it out yourself. 

Yoongi: Who ordered you to call the order? 

I'm not going crazy. He looked at Joohyun for too long of a time. And she even lifted her chin up. But still, TJ didn't answer until Yoongi lifted him by his collar, coughing up more blood all over himself. 

TJ: I don't know. 

Namjoon: Suga-

TJ: Wait...I'm serious. I don't know. I-I got a message from some girl. She said she would pay me if I was able to kill everyone on the yacht. 

Namjoon: What she look like? 

TJ: I never saw her face. 

Yoongi: That fucking bitch. Again? 

Namjoon: *sighing* Thank you for your time TJ. And by the way...trying to touch my girl...not a bright move. 

He clocked his gun back and blew it into TJ's head. TJ's body dropped to his feet and Namjoon kicked it over to Yoongi to dispose of. But now his body was face up, eyes and mouth open with a huge hole in his head and a blood all over his clothes, face, and floor. 

I left and held myself together until I was outside, where I broke down in to tears while trying not to throw up. It didn't take long for Namjoon to come and find me, dressed back up in his suit, no gloves, and I flintched a little when he reached out to me, backing away so he couldn't touch me. 

Me: Sorry. You startled me. 

Namjoon: It's ok. You don't have to be sorry. 

Me: Yes, I do. 

Namjoon: No, you don't, Soyeon. 

Me: I just...I just led someone to their death. 

Namjoon: Someone who tried to lead you to your death. 

Me: That's not helpful. 

Namjoon: It's an eye for an eye out here. 

Me: Again, not helping. 

He held out his hand and I couldn't take it until it started to hurt me that I couldn't feel him. Then I grabbed him and threw my arms over his shoulder. Namjoon's hands started to run through my hair as he quietly shushed me. 

Namjoon: It's ok, princess. It'll get easier.

My face was cupped up by his hands. I started to feel warm again. Safe as he wiped my tears away and kissed the top of my head so softly that it almost made me forget that I was still tearing. 

Namjoon: Do you want me to take you back home? 

Me: Mhm hm. 

He walked to me the car, opening the door for me to get into the passanger seat. After I buckled, I turned my head and he stole a quick kiss before closing the door and going back inside to talk with Joohyun and Yoongi. 

I might have been upset...but I didn't forget about her. I'm going to find up what she's up to. Starting with Hwan. 

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