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- Soyeon's POV -

There was...so much blood. Everywhere. On my hands. All over Namjoon's shirt. The stain was getting bigger and bigger. His eyes, the eyes that used to intimidate me, were fluttering, struggling to stay open.

Me: *crying* No, no, no. Please. Namjoon. Don't die.

The club was finally empty. I tried everything to keep him away. I tried shaking and patting his face. But his eyes...his eyes shut. I screamed when someone from behind touched my shoulder. Jimin, his lips chapped and his hair a little messy.

Jimin: Hey. Calm down.

Me: *crying* Jimin! He's dying, Jimin!

Jimin: Yeah, yeah. Stay calm. He's going to be okay. Take this, wrap it over his gut right there to put pressure on the womb.

Me: *crying* Okay. What now?

Jimin: Now, give me your phone. We're going to call Jin okay? He's going to bring his van around back, then you're going to help me take him out there.

Me: *sniffing* Okay. Okay.

Jimin: Soyeon. Look at me. You have to stay calm. He's not going to die.

Namjoon's eyes slightly opened, looking very distant and far away. His breathing was irregular but still, his hand tightened around mine very slightly. With Jimin's help, my own breathing slowed, but not my crying.

Jimin: Jin, get down to Elite. There was a shootout. Namjoon got hit. How far are you? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. But Soyeon might need a xanax.

Me: Really?

Jimin: *whispering* No offense. But you're barely keeping it together. *on the phone* Jin. I need you to hurry. He looks like he's fucking dying doctor MD. Soyeon, pulse.

Me: He has one. It's getting slower.

Jimin: We have a pulse. But it's slowing. Yes. It's tight too. No, she's fine. Ok, Soyeon, Jin is going to be here soon. I need your help getting Namjoon out the back, can you do it?

Me: Y-Yeah.

Jimin: Okay. On three.

We lifted him from his blood pool and out from the corner next to the bar. I was so shaken that I struggled to keep balance carrying his body. As we got the door open, Jin's black painted EMT came pulling up behind him. Police sirens echoed through the city, blue lights flashed in the distance. The three of us lifted Namjoon into the back of the truck.

Seokjin: From the looks of it there are no arteries that are damaged. But he did lose a lot of blood that's why his heart is slow. I'll need to hook him up immediately. Soyeon, I need you in the back to watch him. Can you do that?

Me: Yeah. I can do it.

Seokjin: Good. Go in then. Stop freaking out, he's not going to die. Thanks for your help Jimin.

Jimin: No problem. You're taking him under the hotel right?

Seokjin: Hospital will ask too many questions. Be careful on your way out of here. Cops are everywhere.

Jimin: Yeah, yeah. Go make sure our boss lives for tomorrow.

Seokjin: Stay safe.

He slammed the back of the van shut and drove off through the back alleys of the city to avoid the police, leaving Jimin behind outside Elite. I helped roll Namjoon inside Legacy and down to the ground floor.

Down there, I caught a glimpse of Jungkook and Taehyung bringing in the men dressed in black from earlier, "YG" tattooed on their necks.

We rolled him out to a fluorescent lit hallway that vaguely looked like a hospital. Jin got him in this room, blocking me away from the door.

Me: What are you doing? Let me in!

Seokjin: No! I need to remove the bullet!

Me: Jin, you have to let me in!

Seokjin: No. And you're not going to argue with me Soyeon, I need to move quickly. You're going to go upstairs, get clean, and wait for me to call you back down. You hear? Go! Now!

It took forever to scrub the blood off my hands. His blood. But he's okay. They said he's going to be okay. When I was clean, I popped a valium and rushed back downstairs to the room that Jin was operating on Namjoon.

I waited. It felt like forever. But he's okay. He's okay. He's going to be okay. Hours went by then Jin rolled Namjoon out to another room, hooked him up to a few machines, and laid him to rest on a bed. And he was knocked out.

Seokjin: You can come in now, Soyeon.

Me: Is he okay?

Seokjin: He's very lucky. No arteries punctured. No serious damage.

Me: When is he going to wake up?

Seokjin: Soon. But he's going to stay down here for a few days.

Me: Okay.

I crawled into the bed on the opposite side of the womb. I wrapped his arm around me and laid in his chest. His heartbeat had came back. I stayed up all night and he still didn't wake. Jin was in and out all night, but from what I can tell he didn't leave the hotel.

Seokjin: Don't you want to go upstairs? Get something to eat?

Me: No.

Seokjin: Water?

Me: No.

Seokjin: At least take a nap upstairs in your own bed.

Me: I'm not leaving him. Jin, please, just let me stay.

Seokjin: Soyeon-

Me: Is he going to die? Did you give me false hope?

Seokjin: No. I told you...

Me: Well, it sounds like you're trying to get rid of me.

Seokjin: I'm just a little...

Me: Awkward around me? Because you think I'm a freak?

Seokjin: NO! Jesus, Soyeon. I'm just trying to look out. If something happened to you on my watch the first thing Namjoon would do when he wakes up is turn me inside out.

Me: Thank you, but I'm fine. And I'm staying here.

Seokjin: *sigh* I'm going upstairs. Do you want a snack or something?

Me: No.

Seokjin: You know what. I'm getting you a protein bar since you need to be so damn stubborn.

He slammed and locked the door behind him, leaving me, Namjoon alone. Until I slipped into a deep sleep myself to the sound of the heart monitor.




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