111 (S)

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- Soyeon's POV -

Do you believe that there is a life after you die? I do. I might have lost all faith, but I do believe that there is a heaven and a hell. I don't believe in purgatory. I think that the souls that go to purgatory actually become ghosts.

And I envy ghosts. Being able to choose who can see you and who can't. Haunting those who wronged you until you've completed your unfinished business. It's all shits and giggles until you're the one being haunted.

Dre is haunting me. And he won't let me sleep. So are his other goons. So is Ji-Tae. They're all just dancing in front of me, prancing and bragging about their paradise of death. I can see him, the bullet that splattered his insides out on the wall, the pool table. Long rips of gunshots. Bodies dropping. Blood spilling. And on the other side of the trigger is Namjoon. Without blinking. Just like he promised.

Fuck! Why do I have to think about him all the goddamn time? Namjoon isn't even dead. He's alive and well and sleeping right above my head and he haunts me more than any ghost or figment of my imagination.

I nodded and waved at the "security guards" lurking around my door on my way to the elevator. Up in the penthouse, Namjoon wasn't sleeping either. He wasn't in his room. He was in his study, feet up on the desk, covered by slippers. Book in hand with a cup with three fingers of scotch in it, neat.

Namjoon: What's up?

Me: ...

Namjoon: Bad dream?

Me: No dream. What are you reading?

Namjoon: *laughing* Bodega Dreams

Me: ...

Namjoon: Has anyone told you that you're concerningly quiet?

Me: Not until now.

Namjoon: Come on. I'll take you back to bed.

Me: No...I um...I can't sleep.

Namjoon: Well, let's not sleep together.

He laid his book down gently, gesturing for me to follow him. We went out to the kitchen and Namjoon pulled out a pack of noodles, starting a boiling pot of water on the stove, all while still sipping from his glass. I sat up on the countertop next to him. Watching how he used his hands to prepare everything in front of him.

Namjoon: My dad used to do this for me when I couldn't sleep. Make me a warm bowl and let me watch a cartoon until I passed out on my own.

Me: What kept you up back then?

Namjoon: *laughing* Sugar rushes and homework.

When the noodles were ready, he poured them into a glass bowl, adding the sauces and seasonings in there with very little water. Just how I like it. And apparently how he likes it too. He grabbed a fork and handed the hot bowl to me.

He made himself a bowl too, leaning on the counter across from where I sat. I twirled up the noodles with my fork, jumbled up like hairs, slurping them up. Namjoon smiling, taking a bite for himself.

Namjoon: How is it?

Me: *smiling* It's kind of spicy.

Namjoon: You think?

Me: Yeah. But it's really good.

- 3rd Person POV -

Namjoon just watched. He watched Soyeon eat her bowl, very small smiles coming across her face every now and then. He finished his drink as she finished her bowl and noticed a very small noodle hanging above her upper lip.

He walked over, wiping it away quickly with his thumb. This caught Soyeon by surprise. Her face flushed as she looked away from his dragon-eyed gazed. Just a little touch, and her heart was already racing, pounding in her chest.

Soyeon: Not again.

Namjoon: What?

Soyeon: You're going to make me feel weird again.

Namjoon: Weird or good?

Soyeon: B-Both. It's...

Namjoon: Weird?

Soyeon: Uh huh.

His aura was an enigma. It's like being in the presence of an angel. Or a very well disguised demon. Perhaps the devil himself. Staring at her, eyes that shield thoughts that couldn't be anything less than sinful. And she knows that if she looks into his eyes, she will also fall into the temptation.

Namjoon: Do you like it when I make you feel that way, princess?

Soyeon: Heh, I don't...I don't know...I...

Namjoon: Can I help you find out?

Long and slender, his fingers brushed her hair back, exposing her neck. Namjoon continued tracing all on her sensitive skin. Soyeon shuttered under his touch. She could feel his warmth the closer he got, leaning in towards her, inches away from her lips.

In a change of heart, Namjoon reached in for her neck. He kissed and sucked down hard on the crook of her neck and that beautiful, awkward giggle echoed in the room like music.

Namjoon: Sounds like you do like it.

Soyeon: *giggling* G-Gosh.

Namjoon: *smiling* Just tell me you like it.

Soyeon: I...I like it. A lot.

Namjoon: Look at me.

Slowly, Soyeon met his eyes. Namjoon's hand that was caressing her thighs pushed her legs apart and slipped under her silk nightgown. Soyeon quietly whimpers as she felt his fingers roll over her little clit.

Soyeon: Namjoon?

Namjoon: Shh. Princess, it's just a touch.

Soyeon: *nodding* Okay...okay.

He didn't look away, enjoying the view on Soyeon's tensed face. Her eyebrow furrowed as her eyes fluttered. Her breath got heavier the faster Namjoon's fingers moved. Wet and slick, Namjoon slipped a finger inside her, getting a brand new reaction.

Squirmy, Soyeon slapped the counter then balled her fist up, biting her knuckle as Namjoon's finger curled inside her. She looked down at his hand and how it thrusted in and out of her. As if things weren't too much for her, Namjoon set his focus back on the crook of her neck, her moans mixing with that special giggle.

Namjoon: Goddamn, princess, you get so fucking wet for me. It's only my finger. You're not going to be able to handle the real thing.

Her grip around Namjoon's finger tightened. Wet noises and moans sounded in the kitchen. Soyeon's legs trembled as her juices squirted all over Namjoon's finger with a long, drawn out whimper. Namjoon pulled his finger out slowly and softly planted a kiss on Soyeon's flushed cheek. 

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